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Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes – May 2021


 Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 25th May 2021

  in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver.

In attendance: In attendance: Nick Butcher, Sophia Clist, Peter Grubb, John Fullwood, Sally Fullwood, Edwina Hill, Robin Hill, Jane Lehni, Sean Lehni, Chris Townsend and Bob Weaver.

1.  Apologies: Kate Little (Clerk)

2.  Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

  • It was proposed by Cllr Jon Pike and seconded by Cllr Peter Cooper that there be joint chairmen for the next year.  This was agreed and Michael Ash and Ann Norman were duly elected as joint chairmen of the Parish Council.  The former will chair the meetings and the latter will deal with all other PC matters.
  • Acceptance of office forms were signed.

3.  Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 28th July 2020: These were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Jon Pike and seconded by Cllr Peter Cooper.

4.  Matters arising: None

5.  Amendments to declarations of interest: None

6.  Representation on other bodies:

  • Village Hall Cttee: Susan Norrish
  • Eastern Links Cttee: Cllrs will take it in turns to attend.  Theresa Weaver to attend the next one.
  • Sticklepath Village School Trust: Peter Cooper

It was suggested that the Parish Council should be represented on the Belstone Commoners Association.  To be discussed at the next meeting.

7.  Meeting dates for the rest of 2022/22: Noted

8.  Any other business:  None