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Parish Council Meeting – May 2021


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 25th May 2021

 in the Village Hall

Present:  Michael Ash (Joint Chairman), Ann Norman (Joint Chairman and acting clerk), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver.

In attendance: Nick Butcher, Sophia Clist, Peter Grubb, John Fullwood, Sally Fullwood, Edwina Hill, Robin Hill, Jane Lehni, Sean Lehni, Chris Townsend and Bob Weaver.

Minutes 2021/22

1.  Apologies: Kate Little (Clerk)

2.  Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting of 15th December 2020: These were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.

3.  Matters Arising not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda:

  • Oldway, Tongue End – Chairman to visit and request that the hedge overhanging the bus shelter be cut back otherwise the Parish Council will arrange to have it cut.

4.  Declarations of Interest: There were none.

5.  Urgent Items Raised by the Chairman: There were none

6.  Finance:

  • 4th quarter budget for 2020/21 – noted
  • Draft accounts for financial year 2020/21: It was proposed by Cllr Jon Pike and seconded by Cllr Peter Cooper that these be accepted and sent to the internal auditor for auditing along with a review of the internal control measures.
  • Appointment of internal auditor: It was agreed that Simon Herbert be appointed as the PC’s internal auditor.
  • Annual Governance Statement: The Certificate of Exemption will be dealt with at the next meeting.
  • Budget for 2021/22  – It was proposed by Cllr Jon Pike and seconded by Cllr Peter Cooper that this be accepted.
  • Payments made since last meeting – in the absence of the clerk these will be dealt with at the next meeting.

7.  Correspondence:

  • Parking in the village:  The clerk to contact DNPA to see enquire whether Belstone qualifies as a ‘honeypot’ village and what the PC can do about inappropriate parking – does the village need an overflow car park? 

Clerk to advise Emma Bisson, who raised the issue, of the actions taken to date.

                             [Post meeting update: check with commoners on their plans to                             prevent parking on the common which is contrary to the                              Dartmoor National Park’s byelaws; and if a further sign about                                parking is required.]

  • WDBC New Code of Conduct: It was agreed that when the final version of the WDBC Code is issued, the PC will adopt it, adapted for a parish council.
  • Taking on the PC section of the village website:  The clerk to contact the website editors, Edwina and Robin Hill, on how best to take over the PC part of the website.  Invite them to the next meeting.

8.  Ratification of actions taken during the most recent covid 19 lockdown:

  • Website accessibility audit and statement : The audit and statement prepared by Moorsites were agreed.  The latter is already on the village website.
  • Employment policies: These were agreed and are to be published on the PC section of the village website.

9.  Planning Matters:

  • Riverside Chalet : The clerk to contact DNPA to seek an explanation as to why the PC had not been advised of the appeal outcome.

10.  Council Diary review: In the absence of the clerk this will be dealt with at the next meeting.

11.  Greener Belstone: Unfortunately the blister pack collection has had to cease but other projects are being worked on.

12.  Any Other Matters: There were none.

Date of next meeting:  15th June 2021

Part 2

Held in the absence of the public or press

13.  Appointment of a new Parish Clerk and Finance Officer:  It was resolved that Sally Fullwood would be offered the post, to commence on 1st July 2021.

Signed:  ……………………………………….       Date:  ……………………….

               (Joint Chairman)

Agreed Actions:

PC DateActionResponsible
25.5.21Oldway hedgeChairman
 2020/21 accounts to internal auditorClerk
 Parking in the village actionsClerk
 Discussion with web editorsClerk
 Employment policies to websiteNew Clerk
 Riverside ChaletClerk
 Letter of appointment and contract of employment for new clerkClerk/Joint Chairman (AN)