Swifts: What do we know and how can we help them?

Many of us delight in the annual arrival of swifts to our towns and villages, but swifts have declined sharply in numbers. At the invitation of Greener Belstone, Dr Malcolm Burgess will give an illustrated talk on the subject in Belstone Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm on Friday, 11th February.  Malcolm has monitored the swifts of north-east Dartmoor for 14 years and is a principal scientist at the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science, where he works on migratory birds. He therefore brings to his talk both detailed local knowledge and scientific expertise.  

COVID constraints: 
Our numbers in the Hall are limited in order to maintain social distancing.  If you wish to come to the talk please reserve a place by emailing your request to .   Anyone turning up on the night without a reservation risks disappointment.  Admission is free with donations invited.
Greener Belstone Group

Scheduled Noticeboard Village Hall Posts