Home » Parish Council Records » Minutes » 2021-22 Minutes » Extraordinary Planning Meeting – February 2022

Extraordinary Planning Meeting – February 2022

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Minutes for the extraordinary Parish Council Planning Meeting 15th February 2022 in the Meeting Room, Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Councillors Present:

Michael Ash (Joint Chairman), Ann Norman (Joint Chairman), Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver

Also present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk), 3 members of the public.

2021/22-124 Disclosures of Interests

Peter Cooper will not be attending the meeting as he has contributed to the building of the shed in question. Michael Ash does work for the Walsh family.

2021/22-125 Apologies for Absence

Peter Cooper – accepted

2021/22-126 Planning Application 0031/22 for Replacement storage shed (retrospective) at Land Adjacent to Tor Cottage, Belstone.

Belstone Parish Council has no objection to the application. It welcomes the applicant’s reinstatement of the stone wall as soon as possible.

The meeting closed at 7.40 pm.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday February 22nd 2022 in the Meeting Room of Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm.