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Clerk’s Report 12th July 2022

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Parish Clerk Report for 12th July 2022


  • I have written to NatWest asking them to stop sending things to Robin and Kate.
  • Certificate of Exemption sent to External Auditor.
  • Planning Consultation extension requests sent
  • Phone call from tourist regarding car parked in car park.
  • One person has been deleted from the electoral roll.

Matters Arising not on Agenda

  • Press releases – With regard to the discussion of articles in the Beacon. The Clerk’s Job Description includes “To prepare, in consultation with the Chairman, press releases about the activities of, or decisions of, the Council.” It does not require full council to approve articles.
  • Neighbourhood Highways Officer – The NHO would like to come to our October meeting.
  • Road Warden – I have circulated a request to other Devon clerks for feedback on the Road Warden Scheme, but received nothing back yet. I will specifically contact those that I know have them.
  • DCC Locality Grant – I have contacted Cllr McInnes who has said he will chase our application for Jubilee Costs.
  • Clerk’s Appraisal – Theresa and I have confirmed the format of the appraisal and the meeting will take place on 27th July.


I have attended the following free online training:

  • ‘An Improper Officer’ – Free 1hr webinar on the job of the clerk.
  • ‘Writing Winning Funding Applications’ – Free 2.5 hr webinar

Agenda Items

2022/23-78 Complaints Policy

This policy was created by Jon Pike a couple of years ago, but was not formerly adopted. I have made some slight adjustments, changing the ‘Complaints Committee’ to the ‘Council’, (as this Council prefers to act as a full council), and adding header and footer. Please read in advance so that we can just approve at the meeting.

2022/23-79 Car Park Policy

This policy was up for review. In view of the recent incident where a vehicle was placed for sale in the car park, to which councillors objected, I suggest adding a clause to cover this as clause 8 only refers to notices on structures (rather than cars).