Events involving use of Common Land

Belstone Common is unusual amongst commons generally because livestock entitled to graze freely on Dartmoor are often found in the village itself, arriving via a number of access points. Hence over time, the open land within the village became as subject to Commoners’ grazing rights as the land of the ‘Outer Common’, outside the moor gates.

So, although privately owned (by the Lord of the Manor), it is ‘common’ land insofar as those landowners who have Commoners’ Rights may graze livestock on it and protect that grazing land via a Commoners’ Association.

Common land is an amenity to others insofar as they can walk or ride horses across it. What they may not do is:

  • camp on common land without the owner’s permission
  • light a fire or have a barbecue
  • hold a festival or other event without permission
  • drive across it without permission unless they have a vehicular right of access to their property.

Therefore anyone wishing to carry out any of those or other activities should contact the Secretary to the Belstone Commoners’ Association: in plenty of time. Ideally, at least a month’s notice should be given. Village events are always supported if at all possible.

For more information about Belstone Common, go to the Belstone Commoners’ page, on this website or go directly to the updated Commoners’ Association’s Introductory Booklet by clicking the button below.

Vandalism in Skaigh Valley

The Lion’s Mouth Fountain in the Skaigh Valley has recently been damaged. If anyone notices suspicious behaviour or damage to the fountain please will you email Ian Brooker of the DNP: