Many thanks to Chris for sending in all these entertaining and informative films over the last few weeks. We hope you have enjoyed them all. If you would like to see them again, don’t forget that the are in the Belstone Blog.
This will be last of these sixteen Dawn Chorus films. I filmed it over two consecutive mornings at the end of May in Belstone churchyard. It seemed a good place to end up, among the 298 gravestones and 438 people remembered on them, as these previous inhabitants of the village would also have listened to and enjoyed similar bird songs over the centuries. The usual birds were singing, blackbird, chaffinch, robin, blackcap and wood pigeon plus one surprise glimpsed over my shoulder at 4.30am. The camera battery ran out just after sunrise on the first morning so I returned the next day, just as the jackdaws and rooks put on a raucous concert. After the sun had risen I sat on one of the churchyard seats and watched two red kites circling high over Great Green; a memorable end to these early mornings.
I hope you’ve enjoyed watching fifteen sunrises – and one gloomy dawn when I couldn’t find the cuckoo – in our lovely part of the world and maybe learnt to identify some of the birds from their songs. Let’s hope that next spring we’ll all be able to set off once again for a real Dawn Chorus walk around the parish. Chris Walpole