Chris Walpole would like to cheer you up during lockdown by sharing a few of his YouTube videos of some past events in Belstone, which are now on our Blog Page.

The Last Round: Many of you will remember Barry Woods delivering milk around the parish … and some of you many remember enjoying the film of this ‘last round’ when it was shown to 75 people in the Village Hall during a Beating the Bounds film show on 4 October 2014.  This 14 minute film can now been watched on the village website.

Belstone Thatching: Several houses in Belstone had thatching work done on them in millennium year. This five minute film shows the work at Tamarisk Cottage, Andrews Cottage and Lower Priestacott Farm. Duncan Rogers from Inwardleigh, the thatcher working at Andrews Cottage and Lower Priestacott, is still thatching today, now alongside his son James.  

Walter Shortage at The Tors: Get your feet tapping with a three-minute burst of vintage Walter Shortage & the Hosepipe Banned, filmed at The Tors in 2017 during publican Kevin Vogan’s 60th birthday party.