Queens Platinum Jubilee Icon

In just over six weeks, from 2nd-5th June, it will be the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend. Belstone are planning a variety of Jubilee Celebrations, and hope that you will join us.

Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd are bank holidays, so don’t brave the bank holiday traffic; stay in Belstone and enjoy yourselves. More details will be published shortly, but here is an outline to whet your appetites.

If anybody in the village would like to get more involved with the organisation of the events, we welcome volunteers to help. We’re a friendly bunch on the Jubilee Committee, ring Sally Fullwood for more details on 01837 849131.


Thursday 2nd June

  • Memorial Stone Unveiling
  • Queen’s Green Canopy Tree Unveiling
  • Platinum Jubilee Beacon
Image of movie camera

Friday 3rd June

  • A good old British Film Show
Dancing Stock Image

Saturday 4th June

  • Children’s Crown Making Workshop
  • Dance

Sunday 5th June

  • Belstone Sunday Tea