Let's Talk Teenagers

Free online help for parents and carers of Teenagers

‘Let’s Talk Teenagers’ is a series of online support sessions that are an opportunity for parents and carers of teenagers to hear about the challenges young people are facing today. These evening sessions will be running on consecutive weeks throughout June, and will discuss the tools parents and carers can use to support their children and community, covering topics such as:

• drugs and alcohol
• body image
• mental health
• social risks
• safety online
• peer pressure

The sessions will be based on the principles of offering support and guidance at the earliest opportunity to enable your child to have healthy relationships.

There are 3 sessions, each 90 minutes, and delivered online. The sessions will be run over consecutive weeks starting on the 15th of June at 7pm. Each week will cover a series of different topics.

The project has been funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Safer Devon Partnership, South Devon and Dartmoor
Community Safety Partnership and Teignbridge Council for Voluntary Service.

Session dates and topics – Let’s Talk Teenagers:

Wednesday 15 June

• Teenage development, including social and emotional changes
• Healthy and unhealthy relationships, including domestic abuse
• Body image
• Toxic masculinity

Wednesday 22 June

• Community risks, including county lines and gang crime
• Unhealthy relationships, with a focus on child sexual exploitation and grooming
• Social media
• Safety planning

Wednesday 29 June

• Family strengthening
• How to have challenging conversations
• Role modelling
• Emotional wellbeing and self-care

To book please use this link: