– At Breaking Point –

A coffin is being carried by procession across the moor, but who is the man inside and how did he end up there? 

MED Theatre continues their tradition of touring original drama, created with and for local communities, with their latest piece, Granite. This production weaves true stories of current moorland residents recorded via oral history collection with Tales From Dartmoor writer John Trevena’s 1909 novel of the same title. 

It is a story about people living in Victorian Dartmoor and the struggles and joys of their rural existence. It is about conflict; between those who think they know better and those who are just trying to get through each day. Granite invites audiences to explore historic attitudes and a community’s treatment of one another, and to take note of how, and whether, times have changed. 

This production is part of a larger project called ‘The Stark Reality of Rural Living’, funded by Historic England, which explores Dartmoor’s history as a place of work and human activity over the past 150 years, challenging the romanticised ideal of a “wilderness” that literature and tourism have painted of our Devonian rurality.

Granite perfomances:
Fri 10th and Sat 11th March: Manaton Parish Hall  Tues 14th March: Belstone Village Hall  Wed 15th March: Southpark Community Centre, Buckfast  Fri 17th and Sat 18th March: Moretonhampstead Parish Hall    All performances start at 7:30pm  Tickets £10 | £7 children under 16 Family tickets available For tickets go to www.medtheatre.co.uk or contact  / 01647 441356  ­

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