Annual Parish Council Meeting May 2022

Minutes for the Annual Meeting of Belstone Parish Council held on 10th May 2022 at Belstone Village Hall following the Annual Parish Meeting
Councillors Present:
Michael Ash (Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver, Simon Hill.
Also Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk)
2022/23-31 Election of Officers
• It was proposed by Cllr Cooper and seconded by Cllr Norrish that Cllr Ash be elected as Chairman of the council for the next year.
• It was proposed by Cllr Pike and seconded by Cllr Norrish that Cllr Weaver be elected as Vice-Chairman of the council for the next year. The Vice-Chairman can support the Clerk via email.
2022/23-32 Signing of Acceptance of Office forms
Acceptance of Office forms were signed.
2022/23-33 Apologies for Absence
There were none.
2022/23-34 Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting – 25th May 2021
These had already been signed.
2022/23-35 Amendments to declarations of interest
The current published declarations of interest had been circulated. All the councillors were happy with their current declarations. Simon Hill has just completed his declaration, which the clerk will forward to West Devon Borough Council.
2022/23-36 Signing of Consent to Electronic Communication
Five councillors had filled in their consent to receive the summons by electronic communication, one will forward. Cllr Ash will continue to receive his summons on paper.
2022/23-37 Representation on other bodies:
• Village Hall Committee – Cllr Norrish
• Eastern Links Committee – This is being done by rotation
• Sticklepath Village School Trust – Cllr Cooper
• Greener Belstone – Cllr Weaver
2022/23-38 Meeting Dates for the rest of 2022-23
June 14th – changed from June 7th.
July 12th
September 13th
October 18th
November 29th
January 17th
February 28th
The meeting closed at 8:48 pm.