Annual Parish Meeting 2024 – Draft

Draft Minutes for Belstone Annual Parish Meeting held on 29th April 2024 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Michael Ash (Chairman), Sally Fullwood (Clerk)
13 members of the public, including the speakers and 5 councillors.
01. Apologies for Absence
James McInnes (Devon County Council) sent his apologies.
02. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 15th May 2023
It was unanimously agreed that these were a correct record of the meeting and the Chairman signed them.
03. Annual Report of the Parish Council
Cllr Ash presented his report, which is available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
It was resolved to accept the Chairman’s report – proposed by Cllr Weaver and seconded by Cllr Peter Cooper.
04. Introduction of Dartmoor National Park Ranger
It had been hoped that Fred Hutt would introduce himself as the new Dartmoor National Park Ranger, but he was not present.
05. Annual Report of the Neighbourhood Highways Officer
Josh Scillitoe presented his verbal report. The bad weather on the evening reflected the bad weather throughout the winter. There were 7,500 recorded potholes and only defect patching was being done, not prevention. Money is tight; of the extra £8 million for patching, West Devon and Torridge will get about £1 million. Josh encouraged people to report potholes so that the extent of the problem was known. £2 million is going into drainage. For 1m2 it costs £200 to lay blacktop, £45 to patch and £5 for surface dressing (tar and chippings). The main Belstone road has been patched and should be surface dressed in the summer. There is a problem with drainage at Tongue End which will be sorted after the rain stops. By Mear Pool the old stone culvert has collapsed, and it may be renewed or repaired next year. Tor Down gate and cattle grid have been cleared. The white lines around the village should be renewed this year. Please could landowners cut hedges and clear ditches on their land. Members of the public highlighted the dips by the car park in Skaigh Lane and by the Lees, which are a safety concern.
06. Annual Report of West Devon Borough Council
Cllr Lynn Daniel presented her report, which is available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
07. Statement of Accounts for the year 2023/24 & Precept for 2024/25
Sally Fullwood, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer presented the accounts with a pre-prepared summary, which is available on the website or by application to the Clerk. There were no questions.
08. Annual Report of Devon County Council
Sally Fullwood summarised Cllr James McInnes’ annual report. The full version is available on the website or by application to the Clerk.
09. Annual Report of Skaigh Wood Trust
The Chairman, Cllr Ash, presented his report, which is available on the website, or on application to the Clerk.
10. Annual Report of the Village Hall Committee
Chris Townshend presented his report, which is available on the website, or on application to the Clerk.
11. Annual Report of Greener Belstone
Theresa Weaver presented a report from Greener Belstone, which is available on the website, or on application to the Clerk.
12. Any Other Business
There was no other business.
The meeting closed at 8.28 pm.