Belstone Council Chairman’s Report 2022-23

Belstone Parish Council Chairman’s Annual Report 1/4/22 – 31/3/23
The Council have held eight meetings over the last year, and a very poorly attended Parish Meeting to discuss possible events for the Coronation in May. It was hoped that other village organisations might be able to arrange some form of celebrations.
Attendance of Councillors has been good, and Simon Hill was co-opted to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Ann Norman on 31st March 2022. Representatives of West Devon Borough Council (WDBC), Devon County Council (DCC), Highways and members of the public have also attended meetings.
A number of varied planning applications have been discussed. Some of them were granted by the Dartmoor National Park (DNP) and others refused or withdrawn.
The section of the car park nearest the Common has been re-surfaced and has now become firm. The car parking has also improved. Other car parking around the village still remains a problem, and will be subject to further discussion at a Parish Meeting on a date to be arranged.
The late Queen Elizabeth II jubilee was marked by the planting of a new hawthorn tree near Well Park, and the Council thank Dick Norrish for his involvement in this. A suitable engraving was made on the stone lamp post, recording Her Majesty’s seventy years’ reign.
The Council’s assets have been inspected and repaired as necessary. The telephone box has been repainted and we thank Ella Curnow for arranging this. The box houses the defibrillator. The bus shelter has had the overhanging branches removed and work has been done on the pound gate and various seats. I must thank Mrs Kuhn for arranging for the pound garden to be kept tidy.
The Council’s bank account is now with Lloyds and the Nat West account has been closed. The precept for 2023/24 was agreed at £3,500, an increase of 2.7% on the previous year.
Other matters dealt with have included overgrown hedges, pot holes, blocked gutters, the street light and problems with vehicles using bridleways. Dog Poo signs have been fixed on all the moor gates and at other points around the village, I think they may have had some effect!
Ian Brooker retired as our DNP ranger, and the Council thank him for his services over a number of years.
I thank my Vice Chairman and fellow Councillors for their help over the past year, and I thank our Clerk and Internal Auditor for their assistance to the Council during the year.
Michael Ash
Belstone Parish Council