Belstone Council Chairman’s Report 2023-24

Belstone Parish Council Chairman’s Report 2023-2024
The Council has held eight ordinary meetings, a Public Meeting to discuss the car parking problem, and two extraordinary planning meetings.
2023 was election year. The Council was elected unopposed, with one new member, Andrew Booth, who replaced Susan Norrish who had retired after fifteen years.
Later in the year Paul Boyce resigned his seat on leaving the Parish. This vacancy was filled by co-option. There were two candidates; Jackie Stevens and Deborah Hosegood. Deborah Hosegood was elected. Shortly after this Simon Hill resigned for personal reasons. Again, this vacancy was filled by co-option. This time there was only one candidate; Claire Grubb, who was duly elected.
Members’ attendance at meetings has been good. Representatives of West Devon Borough Council, Highways and members of the public have also attended.
Six planning applications have been discussed. The DNP have granted four and two have been withdrawn, they being Town Living and Beacon View.
Plans to reinstate the lamp on the Coronation Stone are making progress, and the stone has had a new engraving for King Charles III.
The parking problems still remain and various solutions have been considered, but nothing seems workable.
A new plaque for the late Queen’s Jubilee Tree was installed. The original having rusted badly over a very short time.
Highways matters dealt with have included hedge cutting, blocked gutters and culverts, potholes and cattle grids.
The precept for 2024/25 has been set at £3,745 this is an increase of 7% on 23/24.
Much correspondence, together with various surveys has been dealt with and action taken where necessary.
My thanks to Mrs Khun for arranging the maintenance of the Pound Garden, also to Chris Walpole for acting as the Internal Auditor. Finally, my thanks to fellow councillors for their help and interest in Council matters over the past year, and to our Clerk Sally Fullwood for all her hard work.
Cllr Michael Ash
Belstone Parish Council
April 2024