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Belstone Parish Council Chairman’s Report – May 2021


Chairman’s Report 2020/2021

This past year has again been another unusual one, owing to the ongoing Covid pandemic.
The council has been able to hold four face-to-face meetings plus the 2020 Annual Parish Meeting. Council business has however still been dealt with during the lockdowns. Members of Devon County Council, West Devon Borough Council, plus members of the public have also attended.
Two planning applications were received and both have been granted by the Dartmoor National Park Authority.
The Parish Council Car Park policy was adopted and John Moppett was commissioned to make an A3 notice board for the car park. This is to be shared with the Commoners Association.
Village seats and other assets have been inspected and deemed to be in good order.
Highways did some further work on the drain that carries the water off the moor through the village. They have also repaired a few pot holes thought there are many more. After the recent heavy rains many of the gullies and drains are blocked and need attention.
After the lockdown was eased last summer the number of visitors to the village increased and this brought problems with cars being parked indiscriminately, both in the village and on parts of the common. This needs looking at but I don’t know what the answer is.
The council discussed the North Devon Biosphere Orchard Project, but felt it was not the type of project they could be involved with. The paper work was passed on to other village organisations to see if they may be interested.
Our clerk, Kate Little, sent in her letter of resignation at the December meeting. The post was advertised and three applications were received, one of whom withdrew. The remaining two applicants were interviewed last week and I hope an appointment will be made at the following PC meeting.
Finally, I would like to thank my Vice Chair, fellow councillors and especially this year, Kate Little for her work as our clerk over the past 2 years or so.
Thanks also to Simon Herbert for his work as internal auditor and Mrs Kuhn for looking after the pound garden.
Michael Ash