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Clerk’s Appraisal Report 2023

Report to Parish Councillors on Clerk’s annual appraisal 2023

It was agreed that Cllr Weaver should attend the appraisal with Cllr Hill (the main appraiser and current Vice Chair) for continuity. The appraisal was held in person between Simon Hill (VC)/Theresa Weaver (appraisers) and Sally Fullwood (Clerk) on 10th July 2023.

The completed form is confidential, and a copy is held by the clerk and Simon Hill (VC/appraiser).

Summary of discussion

Before the meeting, Sally completed a comprehensive account of her objectives and priorities, achievements and problems in line with specific items from the job description. This was passed to Cllr Hill and Cllr Weaver.

It was agreed that over the past year significant improvements had been made in communication with the wider community through the website. Parish Council news and reports are regularly viewed and often generate discussion/correspondence.

There were 3 key issues discussed at the appraisal: workload, personal development, and job satisfaction.

1. Workload

Although Sally has managed to reduce the hours she works, there are still pressure points in the year that require significant extra work (Annual Parish Meeting/Agar and annual accounts).

Suggestions to reduce workload were discussed including:

  • Looking at the current pattern of meetings
  • Considering overtime at key points in the year
  • Streamlining management of bank accounts and payments

2. Personal Development

Although completing FILCA training was an agreed objective of last year’s appraisal, the council later decided the ILCA training was sufficient. As part of Sally’s ongoing development, she feels the FILCA is a necessary qualification to have.

There are many training courses available, and Sally would like to attend more of these.

Suggestions focussing on personal development were discussed including:

  • Reinstating FILCA training
  • Discussing and supporting Sally with a training plan for the year.

3. Job satisfaction

Sally would appreciate more opportunity to work with and share ideas with the whole council.

Suggestions to improve job satisfaction were discussed including:

  • Introducing a voluntary pre-meeting tea/coffee where Sally and councillors can chat informally about context/background of items on agenda. This could help reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Vice Chair acknowledging and summarising key points in clerk’s reports at each meeting.
  • Meeting with specific councillors between meetings.

Next appraisal will take place in July 2024.