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Clerk’s Report March 2024

Parish Clerk Report for 11th March 2024

Completed Actions

Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting.

  • I have forwarded various emails to the councillors and deleted others.
  • I submitted the Precept requirement to West Devon Borough Council.
  • I have passed a request about Belstone burial records on to the PCC.
  • Okehampton Hospital – Cllr Christine Marsh of Okehampton Town Council emailed to thank Belstone Parish Council for their support. They were waiting for a meeting with MP Mel Stride in Mid-February, and will arrange a public meeting when they have more information.
  • The Council received a notification that the licence of Rajpoot, 25 Fore Street, Okehampton was being reviewed due to concerns relating to illegal working. The Council does not comment on licences outside the parish.
  • I emailed our Neighbourhood Highways Officer after receiving an email notifying that the main road to Belstone would be closed in the Easter Holidays and traffic diverted via Priesticott Lane. I pointed out that the Easter Holidays were one of Belstone’s busiest times and that Priesticott Lane is hardly fit for local traffic, let alone a diversion! He agreed with me on both points and is contacting the department that plans the diversions to arrange for both the date and route to be changed (probably to via Fatherford)
  • The Neighbourhood Highways Officer also asked me to ask around to find out who was blocking a channel up by the South West Water building. The blockage was causing the road to be washed away further down and potentially could flood properties. I posted this information on the Village WhatsApp group.
  • We received information from Dartmoor National Park Authority that they are appointing Link Members to be the ‘face’ of the Authority at Parish meetings. Our Link Member is our Devon County Councillor James McInnes.
  • I have arranged two extraordinary planning meetings, and responded with the Council’s comments on the applications.
  • I have set up our new Councillor Deborah Hosegood on the email, changed all the relevant information on the website and noticeboard and informed her and Cllr Booth of possible new councillor training.
  • Housing – As agreed I have informed Sticklepath Parish Council that Belstone Parish Council would be like to be involved in any Community Housing Trust in the area. Sticklepath Parish Council are still researching what is involved in setting up a Trust, and were hoping to hear from members of other Trusts, but it has been difficult to get any of them to speak with the Council!
  • Former Councillor Simon Hill sent in his resignation, so I have contacted West Devon Borough Council and published the required Notice of Vacancy, and answered councillors’ queries about the process.
  • I passed a request to plant a memorial tree in part of the Skaigh Valley which is not owned by the Skaigh Wood Trust to the relevant authorities.


I have added the following posts and pages:

  • Minutes and Documents for 15th January meeting
  • Agenda and Minutes for 29th January meeting
  • Agenda and Minutes for 19th February meeting
  • Notice of Vacancy
  • Road Closure Information


You may be interested to know that the government are planning to introduce planning rules to stop people turning residential properties into holiday lets, with ‘changes being introduced from this summer’.



  • I attended training on Summons, Agendas and Minutes by a renowned lawyer who has been working with local councils for 40 years. I discovered a few things that we had been doing wrong, and will work to correct them.
  • I attended training on the Internal Audit, which was useful, and could mean some changes for Belstone. I was pleased that I got most of the quiz questions right!

Sally Fullwood
Belstone Parish Clerk