Clerk’s Report October 2022
Parish Clerk’s Report for October 18th 2022

Completed Actions
Copies of all letters and emails will be available to view at the meeting.
- Answered a question about the Westlake seat from Chris Walpole.
- Forwarded late planning application and highways consultation.
- I attended some free training about the timetable and actions required for the elections next year, which was very informative.
- I re-enrolled the Council with the Pensions Regulator, which is compulsory every three years, regardless of whether anybody employed has a pension.
- Logged the responses to the planning applications, and responded to enquiries about them from members of the public.

- The hole in Skaigh Lane was fixed before I could follow up the report (see above).
- I have sent a letter to the Cricket Club about the entrance, after circulating it to councillors and receiving a confirmatory response from just two councillors.
- I have informed the owners of Tor Down about the outcome of our meeting.
- I have emailed the Royal British Legion regarding the jubilee plaque.
- I have confirmed with the church officers that the book of condolence can be kept at the church.
- I have informed the members of the public, who wrote about the Cricket Club grant, of the outcome of the meeting.
- I have sent emails to members of the public and Ian Brooker about the Muddy Lane bridleways. Ian replied quickly with some suggestions, and members of the public are submitting information.
- I have notified planning control about the height of the wall near Tor Cottage. They responded to say that they would investigate and notify us.
- I have received thanks from Okehampton District Community Transport Group for the grant that we gave them.
- I have written to Dicky at the Tors Inn to thank him for the sign on Great Green.
Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC)
At our last meeting we agreed that councillors should sign up directly to DALC to receive the emails which I had previously forwarded. The newsletters cover essential guidance, and many topics of interest to parish councillors in Devon. You can sign up by creating your own account at and clicking on Register in the right-hand top corner. It is very easy to register, you will just need your name and address, the council that you represent and the fact that you are a councillor. You choose a password to use when logging in to the site.
Possible Training
DALC provide a course on ‘Responding to Planning Applications’, which should help to clarify our role in commenting on applications. It would be a good idea if I or a Councillor attended when they next run it. £36.