Parish Council Minutes November 2024

Belstone Parish Council – 11th Nov 2024 at 7:30 p.m. (Belstone Village Hall)
Councillors present – M Ash (Chair), P Cooper, T Weaver, D Hosegood, A Booth, C Grubb and J Pike
Apologies for absence 2425 0083
Disclosure of Interests 2425 0084
Approval of last Minutes 21/10/24 2425 0085
Approved and signed as a correct record
Public Participation 2425 0086
Borough & County Reports 2425 0087 WDBC Nov report DCC report
Chairman’s Announcements 2425 0088
Clerk’s Announcements 2425 0089
Letter received from Lloyds Bank advising of their intention to start account charges (£4.25 pm) w.e.f. Jan 25. A formal complaint has been raised with the Bank. Decision – position to be reviewed in light of their response
Planning Matters 2425 0090
A. Applications – Decision awaited for St Mary’s ref 0398/24 – Noted
B. Decisions – Beacon View refusal – ref 0342/24 Church Park approval ref 0364/24 – Noted
C. Other planning matters – None
Highways 2425 0091
Recent position of HGV’s getting stuck in the village following satnavs to the Camp was debated. New signage has been investigated and priced as a self-funded project (c. £400) as well as the planning permission process required from DNPA if proceeding. Decision – Oke Camp to be approached to give clear instructions to all known drivers / Highways to be asked for more prominent signage off A30, then review new signage options in new year when finalising budget
Acting Clerk / Vice Chair role 2425 0092
Decision – there is no conflict in governance for now in VC acting as Clerk on a temporary basis.
Finance 2425 0093
A. Balances – current £2,199.06 / savings £3,621.17 (paying 1% gross).
B. Income – precept £1,872.50 / interest £6.04
C. Paid – Prior clerk’s final salary £557.08
D. To be paid – Prior clerk’s expenses £26.41 and back pay £58.40 / 2023 election costs £78.33
E. Budgets and reports (Half year review and 25/26 draft budget)
F. Online banking – update
It was agreed to transfer £1,500 from current to reserve and to make payments as detailed. Half year review was noted and agreed. Proposed 25/26 budget also agreed in principle with the addition of potential bank charges £50. Overall draft proposal would result in 4.5% precept increase. All banking on line management / access is now correct.
Coronation stone lantern – update 2425 0094
More research required to source non-functional but replica Victorian lantern
Assets Repairs 2425 0095
A. Stocks repair
B. Green Brae seat – update
Materials to be sourced and repairs made to stocks by Councillors Cooper and Booth. Green Brae seat has now been repaired by Councillor Ash
Parking 2425 0096
A. Verge outside Dove Cottage
In response to concerns raised, the Commoners are placing granite stones in this location to prevent parking, for which the Council is grateful
B. DNPA signage near Hillside
DNPA to be approached to check if plastic yellow signage is compliant to policy
C. Corres received re parking / access issues Beltane Morris event 2/11
Following a response including an apology from Beltane Morris Group, it was concluded this was largely an unnotified event and as such parking and access difficulties for residents could not have been anticipated at a local level. Decision – letter to be sent to Beltane requesting that in the event of any future plans, suitable risk assessments, notifications and crowd / parking management should be pre-planned in liaison with the village noting our limited parking and that individual residents access should not be blocked without prior permission
Diary agreement 25/26 2425 0097
Proposed diary noted and agreed
Items for next Agenda 2425 0098
None additional
The meeting closed at 20:30. The next meeting will be 13th January 2025 19:30