Greener Belstone Report 2024

Greener Belstone report to Annual Parish Meeting 29/4/24
Greener Belstone meets every six weeks (or so!) and is a forum for discussion and sharing of ideas about environmental and energy issues between interested members of the local community. It is an informal group with no funds or official committee members, and we generate notes at the end of each meeting which summarise ideas raised, highlight interesting sources of information and provide action points for the future.
Topics recently covered have been composting, recycling, waste management (I recently visited Devonport EfW incinerator in Plymouth with a group of West Devon and other parish councillors), potential use of areas of the churchyard for re-wilding/children’s garden, sharing of Positive News stories (things are often bleak otherwise!!), monitoring household/village emissions, electrical charging points for EVs, and local shops that offer product refills. We have set up a WhatsApp group to disseminate and share notes and ideas.
We are keen to include young people in the village and hope to encourage families to adopt Devon Wildlife Trust’s initiative ‘Six things to do’ which encourages wildlife in gardens.
We would like to encourage any one in the community who is interested in these or any other environmental matters to contact me on 07809 450503 or just come along to our next meeting Tuesday 14th May, 4.30pm, Tremarn.