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Lamp Consultation – Summary

Here’s a quick summary of the emails received back about the lamp:

We had 10 responses from people in the village – 8 very positive and 2 neutral/questioning. People were generally very keen on the idea of it being “green” and possibly replacing the existing lamp.

We had already had one response previously with a question about suitability for bats.

Most respondents were very keen on the idea, and (having ready the details we had already provided) didn’t ask more. New questions and comments included:

Will this have enough power to work well after a gloomy winter’s day when light might be very welcome?

Perhaps the village needs to think whether £1500 could be spent on a more useful project given that there is a streetlight already.

Is it a bit of a target for vandalism? What happened to the old lamp?

… will the lamp light the village from perhaps 5pm to, at least, 8am the following morning continually throughout the winter months?

… is there any reason why it would be necessary for the lamp to be removed from its position? If it wasn’t made a permanent fixture, I fear that there could the the possibility of the lamp being stolen. With the result there’d be no village light!

… we could probably have it on less than it is currently?

One respondent questioned the price saying that the “price being quoted on Zeta’s own website is £3560” and has carried out further research. They also added several questions, including:

If we can’t guarantee the lamp would be suitably reliable and effective for an acceptable duration in winter, would we keep the existing street light?

Will the County Council give us a rebate on the reduced kW running of the street light?

I understand the solar lamp can have a movement sensor fitted to reduce lamp intensity in quiet times, save battery and thus extend lighting duration.

Is it really manufactured in UK, or merely assembled?

Will installing the lamp mean we have to erect the village Christmas tree elsewhere?!