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Parish Council Accounts Summary 2023

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Belstone Parish Council Accounts Summary 2022-23

Total expenditure 2022-23 £3,378.20

ExpenditureAmountPercentage of total expenditureComments
Cost of Clerk£2,348.2470%
Jubilee Project£380.6911%Half cost of engraving (rest previous year) and stakes for tree
Admin and overheads Costs£443.479%Subscriptions, fees, audit, training,  hall rental, stationery, repairs etc
Website and Emails£155.645% 
Grants to Charities£60.002%

Money was also put into an ear-marked reserve for possible election costs £160.

This compares to total expenditure:
2021-22               £2,831.86
2020-21               £2,230.97

Total income 2022-23 £3,935.69

Income SourceAmountPercentage of total income
WDBC Precept£3,408.0087%
VAT Refund£106.823%
Other (compensation from bank)£69.002%

Council Budget 2023-24 £5,163

The budget for the financial year starting 1st April 2023 was agreed in January 2023. The precept (the money that the Parish Council receives through Council Tax) increased by £92 to £3,500 or £28.36 a year for an average (Band D) property. This is a 1.75% increase in the rate for a Band D property, or 49p for the year.

The Council plans to take the majority of the costs for the coronation engraving from the reserves. It was expected to take £580 out of the election reserve, but as there were only as many candidates as seats, there was no need to spend this.

The increase is a slight increment for inflation, and an increased contingency. An amount of £75 will be put into an ear-marked reserve for future car park costs. The recent car park work (budgeted at £420, but actually £611) is being covered by donations from local businesses and organisations, but this is included in the total budget figure.