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Parish Council Minutes January 2025

Apologies for absence 242599
Cllr Booth

Disclosure of Interests 2425100

Approval of last Minutes 11/11/24 2425101
Approved and signed as a correct record

Public Participation 2425102

Introduction & welcome to DNPA Ranger (Kit Hancock) 2425103
Kit advised that he covers the North & West sectors and endeavors to visit Belstone weekly. He is already attending to the collapsed path on the West Cleave and was advised of the need to repair the drainage on the footpath that leads out from the village centre. Also the need to liaise with the Lord of the Manor in terms of the storm damage to varied, now fallen trees by the bridge / ford & along Skaigh valley

Borough & County Reports 2425104 WDBC Dec 24 DCC Dec 24

Chairman’s Announcements 2425105
The storm damage to the trees in the car park has been cleared by Councillors Ash and Cooper with thanks

Clerk’s Announcements 2425106

Planning Matters 2425107
A. Applications – None
B. Decisions – St Mary’s Church – Grant Conditionally. Noted

Highways 2425108
A. Update re i) HGVs and ii) obliterated gate at Tor Down cattle grid.
B. Other
A. Highways are reviewing the suitability of signage to the Camp on both A30 exits. They have temporarily patched the cattle grid gate with full replacement on order. Position(s) to be monitored.
B. Concern raised regarding recent flooding in the village after the recent storm(s). Decision – Acting Clerk to approach Highways to again request implementation of a full & regular maintenance programme of all village drains and ditches as a priority matter. Pot hole by Taikoo to be reported along with deterioration of road surface edges along Skaigh Lane & by the Old Wheel Pit

Finance 2425109
A. Balances – current £535.92 / savings £5,128.33 (paying 1% gross)
B. Income – interest £7.16
C. Paid – prior clerks expenses & back pay £26.41 & £58.40 / 2023 election costs £78.33
D. To be paid – none
E. Budgets (to confirm & request precept)
F. Banking charges – update

Finances noted with the 25/26 precept request finalised at £3,981, a rise of 4.5% on prior year. Lloyds Bank have refused any concession on future bank charges but seem the better option when reviewing alternative banks. Decision – banking to remain with Lloyds for the time being.

Emails and data storage – update 2425110
A review has been undertaken to consider the suggested best practice of changing Council email addresses to “gov.uk”. Decision – considered cost prohibitive at approx. 3 x current cost.

Clerk’s role – way forward 2425111
A serving Councillor can only undertake the role of acting clerk on a temporary basis. Decision – role to be advertised locally with applications to close at the end of February in readiness for appointment of a permanent Clerk by the new financial year.

Documentation review 2425112
A. Annual Review of BPC Standing Orders (last reviewed 1/2024)
The previously agreed Standing Orders were reviewed and adopted for the next 12m period

Coronation stone lantern – update 2425113
No suitable alternative found

Assets Repairs 2425114
A. Stocks repair – update
Repairs to be taken forward directly once better weather allows

Snow Warden – consideration of resident correspondence DCC link 2425115
Snow Warden Scheme discussed in some detail with agreed desire for certainty of future village grit / salt supplies, especially given recent weather. Decision – before further consideration, Acting Clerk to approach DCC to establish current programme for filling existing grit bins and availability of additional bins as needed

Parking 2425116
A. DNPA signage near Hillside – update.
Advised as temporary pending replacement wooden sign

Items for next Agenda 2425117
None additional