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Parish Council Meeting – June 2021


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th June 2021 in the Village Hall Meeting Room

Present: Michael Ash (Joint Chairman), Ann Norman (Joint Chairman), Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver, Kate Little (Clerk) and Sally Fullwood (Future Clerk)

Minutes 2021/22

14.  Apologies: Paul Boyce

15.  Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting and the Parish Council meeting of 25th May 2021: These were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meetings.

16.  Matters Arising not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda:

  • Riverside Chalet – Clerk to write to the DNPA regarding the absence of information for both the parish council and on the planning section of its website, on the allowed appeal
  • Oldway and the bus shelter – It has been agreed with the owners that the PC can cut it back in the autumn
  • Belstone Commoner’s representation – Following a discussion about the respective responsibilities of the commoners and the lower Belstone common landowner, it was noted that Parish Cllrs Michael Ash and Peter Cooper are existing members of the Commoners Standing (management) Committee and can represent the PC’s views.
  • Parish website – Deferred to the next meeting.
  • Parking in the village – It was agreed that the parish council would explore the following actions:
  1. Ask the Commoners to put more rocks around the edge of the common land and more kerbing along the edge of Great Green.
  2. Put a drawing on the noticeboard of the ideal car park layout.
  3. Put up temporary sandwich boards on busy days regarding parking around the village.

                     Proposed by cllr Jon Pike and seconded by cllr Peter Cooper.

  • Suggested layout of the car park – The suggestion from Peter Grubb to use ground marker pegs to indicate parking spaces was thought to be a good idea, but there was concern about coaches, horseboxes and lorries using the area.  Also the pegs would damage the compacted surface leading to the ingress of water and frost.  Clerk to write to thank Peter for his suggestion.
  • Ash Tree outside the Methodist Chapel – A complaint has been received that the tree is suffering from ash dieback and needs attention.  Clerk to write to the lower common landowner, Michael Reddaway expressing the parish council’s concerns about the danger to the public.

17.  Declarations of Interest: There were none.

18.  Urgent Items Raised by the Chairman: There were none.

19.  Finance:

  • Annual Governance Statement and Certificate of Exemption – It was proposed by cllr Ann Norman and seconded by cllr Peter Cooper that these be approved for submission to PFK Littlejohn.
  • Honorarium for the internal auditor – It was agreed that an honorarium of £25 be paid to Simon Herbert for auditing the parish councils accounts for 2020/21.
  • Public liability insurance renewal – This has been renewed (4.5.21) for a further 12 months with the existing provider at a premium of £180.10
  • Payments made during the first 4 months of the current year:
  1. 2.3.21 – Belstone village hall rent £40
  2. ditto – Belstone village hall website £25
  3. 25.3.21 – Clerk’s 2nd instalment salary  £522
  4. ditto – HMRC tax £130
  5. 9.4.21 – DALC annual subscription £55.08

20.  Council Diary review  – the relevant diarised actions were signed off as completed.

21.  Greener Belstone –  An environmental garden walk has been arranged for 4th July – details will be on the village website.

22  DNPA Local Plan Modifications – Nothing relevant to Belstone

23.  Training opportunities for:

  • The new Parish Clerk – it was agreed that the three courses the new clerk wished to attend were acceptable.  Excess cost to be covered from reserves.
  • Parish Cllrs – all cllrs to review which free DALC courses they wish to attend

24.  Any other business – None.

Next meeting: 27th July 2021 at 7.30pm

Agreed Actions

Meeting DateActionResponsibility
15.6.21Riverside Chalet – write to DNPAClerk
 Invite website editors to the next meetingClerk
 Parking and in the village actionsCllrs Ash and Cooper and Clerk
 Car Park layoutClerk
 Write to landowner about ash treeClerk
 Honorarium for internal auditorClerk
 Book courses for clerkClerk