Parish Council Meeting – October 2022

Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 18th October 2022 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Councillors Present:
Michael Ash (Chairman), Susan Norrish, Theresa Weaver, Simon Hill, Paul Boyce
Also Present:
Sally Fullwood (Clerk), Josh Scillitoe (Neighbourhood Highways Officer), Ines Pfister (Highways Officer), Cllr Lynn Daniel (West Devon Borough Council WDBC), 11 members of the public
2022/23-104 Disclosures of Interests
Cllr Ash disclosed his interest in discussion of the Cricket club.
2022/23-105 Apologies for Absence
Cllr Peter Cooper and Cllr Jon Pike sent their apologies due to sickness, which were accepted.
Cllr James McInnes of Devon County Council (DCC) sent his apologies.
2022/23-106 Neighbourhood Highways Officer Public Participation Session
Josh Scillitoe introduced himself as Neighbourhood Highways Officer for the Chagford and Hatherleigh Division. There was discussion on speeding in the village and particularly between Tongue End and the cattle grid. A proposal for a 20mph zone may not succeed as there are no recorded accidents. Residents were advised to report any sort of incident to the police. If a 30mph zone was successful then a community speed watch could be used to enforce it. The process could take years. Signs could be put up immediately on private land to remind drivers of the dangers. Problems with overgrown hedges in Skaigh Lane were also raised; Josh indicated that in the first instance the Parish Council should write to the landowners, and subsequently they could be inspected by Highways who could also write.
2022/23-107 Minutes
The minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 27th September 2022 were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.
2022/23-108 Borough & County Councillor Statements
The report from Cllr Lynn Daniel (WDBC) was noted. Cllr Daniel reported that the household support fund has been extended to the end of the year. She also promoted Jurassic broadband and the Beacon path. She indicated that there will be budget cuts in the next financial year.
2022/23-109 Chairman and Vice-Chair’s Announcements
Cllr Ash (Chairman) reported that the fire hydrants have now been inspected.
Cllr Weaver (Vice-Chair) reported that Royal British Legion Industries had replied to the Council’s complaint about the rust on the Jubilee plaque to say that rust was intended weathering.
It was agreed to wait six months to see if the ‘weathering’ would affect the inscription.
Cllr Weaver reported that she will be away for November, and Cllr Pike will take over the email liaison with the Clerk during that time.
2022/23-110 Finance
A. Recent Transactions
The following transactions were noted:
• Interest Aug & Sept 45p,
• Precept Instalment £1,704,
• Clerk’s Net Salary £440.65
The following transactions are not yet on the statement but already authorised/advised
• DCC Locality Grant £250 (advised)
• Donation to Okehampton District Community Transport Group £30 (acknowledged but not yet cleared)
• Clerk’s Tax £47.80 (sent, but not yet cleared)
Statement Balance (Current) £2,848 + (Savings) £1,644 + (Lloyds) £69 = £4,561
B. Payments to be Authorised
There were no payments to be authorised.
2022/23-111 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had circulated a report detailing actions taken. This was noted. It was agreed that when the next ‘Responding to Planning Applications’ course was announced that the Clerk or councillors should attend it.
2022/23-112 Asset Inspection
As Cllr Cooper was absent there was no update about the notice on the Pound.
2022/23-113 Planning
There were no planning applications to discuss.
2022/23-114 Muddy Lane
There had been correspondence between members of the public, the Clerk, Josh Scillitoe and Ian Brooker (Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA) Ranger) regarding vehicles using the bridlepaths around Mowhay. Members of the public have reported incidents. All residents are encouraged to inform the police of any vehicles on bridlepaths. Ian Brooker had suggested that the Parish Council should approach Google Maps to change the vehicular access information on those bridleways.
It was agreed that Google would not act on any correspondence, so it would not be sent.
It was agreed that, although there were small wooden bridlepath signs there, the DNPA could put more visible signs up. Action: Clerk to respond to Ian Brooker.
2022/23-115 Eastern Parish Links Meeting
Cllr Norrish reported that the Links Meeting was not well attended. They had discussed whether to meet in person or continue online. The cost-of-living crisis had been discussed, with promotion of WDBC initiatives and referrals to Citizens Advice suggested. The grant for the Parkway Station had not yet been decided.
2022/23-116 Privacy Policy
Cllr Hill had circulated the Privacy policy which incorporated privacy for the member of staff.
It was resolved to adopt the policy. Proposer: Cllr Weaver, Seconder: Cllr Norrish. All agreed.
2022/23-117 Homeworking Policy and Risk Assessment
Cllr Weaver had circulated the revised Homeworking policy and associated risk assessment.
It was resolved to adopt the policy. Proposer: Cllr Norrish, Seconder: Cllr Hill. All agreed.
2022/23-118 Projects for 2023/24
The following projects are to be considered for the draft budget for 2023/24
• Car Park Noticeboard from £300 (+ VAT)
• Online Storage – Our documents are currently stored on a shared drive with the village hall which is not good practice. Action: Cllr Hill to provide costing.
• Coronation – Coronation Stone engraving.
• Signage for highways.
2022/23-119 Cricket Club Entrance
Chris Walpole, Cricket Club Secretary, had replied to the council’s letter regarding the safety aspects of the hedge stating that they had put up an orange mirror in season to mitigate any safety aspects. He, and Peter Hammond, Cricket Club President were present at the meeting. The Parish Council stated that they were in favour of hedges, and had only raised the concerns because members of the public had asked them to. Chris and Peter replied that they would consider repositioning or lowering the hedge to improve visibility.
2022/23-120 Items for Next Agenda
Planned items: Draft 2023/24 Budget and Precept, Risk Assessments,
Added items: Hedge cutting in Skaigh Lane, Cricket Club donation.
The meeting closed at 9.05pm.
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday November 29th 2022.