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Parish Council Minutes – April 2020


7th April 2020  – Minutes of the virtual meeting

Written responses from:  Cllrs Michael Ash (chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike and Theresa Weaver.

Abstentions: None

The agenda for this meeting was posted on the village website and the Parish Notice Board for the legally required no. of days in advance of 7th April 2020 and therefore any decisions made.

The review of the minutes of the previous meeting on 18th February 2020 will be dealt with when the Parish Council next meets.

1.       The Draft 2019/20 Accounts:  These were approved for submission to the           internal auditor

2.       Appointment of an internal auditor: It was agreed that Simon Herbert be           appointed as the internal auditor for the 2019/20 accounts

3.       The fourth quarter budget:  This was agreed.  There would be a review at         the next face to face meeting on an alternative method of presentation.

4.       DALC subscription: A payment of £63.62 was agreed.

5.       Community First Public Liability Insurance: Approval was given to make         this payment (provided it is within 10% of the budget provision for 2020/21).     

6.       WDBC Payroll Invoice:  The invoice for organising the payroll for 2019/20          for the PC has been received for £120.  It is agreed that this be paid by direct debit .

7.       Information Commissioner’s annual payment under the GDPR rules:  It        was agreed that this is paid by setting up a direct debit payment- £35. 

8.       Other matters: Noted

  • The lamp post has been fixed
  • The abandoned car in the car park has been reported to WDBC (the police do not deal with this) and acknowledged but will not be dealt with at the moment due to the corona virus issues.
  • The clerk will see Simon Hill re the new accessibility of the PC part of the village website when permissible.
  • The existing Code of Conduct will stand for the present
  • The annual risk assessment exercise will be dealt with when the PC meets again in due course
  • The notice board at Tongue End appears to be having the desired effect. 
  • VE Day celebrations – no action can be taken at this time.