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Parish Council Minutes – January 2020


  Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on  7th January 2020

 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Meeting Room

Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike and Kate Little (Parish Clerk).

In attendance: Sean Lehni

70.     Apologies: None

71.     Minutes of the meeting on 26th November 2019:  These were agreed and           signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.

72.     Matters Arising:

  • Lamp post and blocked drains – previous complaints had been followed up and whilst the leaning lamp post is scheduled for work, the response from DCC Highways on the blocked drains was that drains are cleared annually only.  Belstone’s were done late last year and are not due to be done again.  Cllr Jon Pike and Sean Lehni to continue to chase.
  • Clerk to contact DNPA re removing village rubbish bin and to put up a dog sign on the nearby gate.
  • Review of the Code of Conduct:  Cllr Theresa Weaver has reviewed the Nolan Principles  and will amend the Code of Conduct accordingly.  The document will be brought to the February meeting for adoption.

73.     Declarations of Interest: None

74.     Urgent Items Raised by the Chairman: None

75.     Correspondence: Letter from Susan Nesbitt re Taw Marsh underground    reservoir (sent to all residents).  It is the PC’s policy not to engage in pre         application discussion in the absence of any plans and other details.  It is a      matter for the DNPA.

76.     Climate Change: Cllr Theresa Weaver submitted a briefing paper on the first           meeting of the Belstone Climate Change Working Group on 16th December           2019.  This was noted.

77.     Financial Matters:

  • 2020/21 Budget –  It was resolved to set a budget for 2020/21 with an increase of 6% on the precept.  This was a total increase in £131 on the PC’s annual budget to take account of a four year savings plan for the next election and putting the clerk’s salary onto the relevant national pay scale, with a 3% reserve for any national pay award.
  • NatWest Bank Accounts – As a precursor to putting the accounts online, Cllr Ann Norman to find out the current account signatories.
  • Council Diary – The relevant tasks were signed off as completed.
  • Payments Made – Payment of £40 for the village hall rental and £20 for the PC’s website contribution were approved.

78.     Village Hall Car Park – It was agreed that the kerbing project had been very            successful and well received by residents.  Awaiting invoice in order to       release grant funds from DCC. The DNPA is willing to pay the grant upfront. Clerk to action.

79.     Planning Items: The submission of a Certificate of Established Use for      Chapel House chapel (no response submitted) and the planning approval for          an agricultural building at Moorlands North noted.

80.     Highways – A meeting with DCC Highways has been set up for 17th January           2020 at 2,30pm at the village hall to discuss future plans/issues.  Cllrs        Michael Ash, Ann Norman, and Paul     Boyce to attend.    Sean Lehni also    invited. 

81.     Any Other Business:

  • Abandoned cars – It has been noted that there are two abandoned cars in the car park  – a red Rover and a dark green Ford Focus.  Clerk to put a notice on the village website to seek out owners.  If no response, report the cars to the Police.

There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm.

The next meeting will be on 18th February 2020, at 7.30pm

Agreed Actions

Meeting DateAction Responsibility
26.11.2019Update the Code of ConductCllr Theresa Weaver
7.01.2020Chase up blocked drainsCllr Jon Pike and Sean Lehni
7.01.2020Bank accounts signatoriesCllr Ann Norman
 7.01.2020Report abandoned cars in car park; contact DNPA re removing rubbish bin and put up additional dog sign there; Submit precept. Submit grant paperwork request.Clerk