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Parish Council Minutes – January 2021


Minutes of the Virtual Parish Council Meeting

12th January 2021

Participants:  Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver and Kate Little (Parish Clerk).

56.     Apologies: None

57.     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 15th December 2020:    These           were agreed and will be signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.

58.     Matters Arising:

  • Oldway, Tongue End – The clerk has written again to the owners to ask if the hedgerow that is growing over the PC’s bus shelter could be cut back.

59.     Declarations of Interest: There were none

60.     Urgent Items Raised by the Chairman: None

61.     Website Accessibility:  The review and upgrade has been undertaken by Moorsites and the Website Accessibility Statement prepared – see village         website

62.     Village Car Park:

  • Notice board – John Moppet has completed the new noticeboard for the car park.  The clerk will arrange for it to be put up on one of the tree frames. [The Commoners have been offered one side of the board for a beware of cows and calves notice.]

63.     Employment Policies: These have been agreed and will be sent to the     village website.

64.     Financial Matters:

  • The 2021/22 financial budget – the amended version – version (b), was agreed.  [The precept request for £2,525 has been sent to WDBC.]
  • The 3rd quarter budget for 2020/21 was agreed.
  • Payment of £133.33 has been paid to John Moppett for the new sign and £120 to Moorsites for the website accessibility project.

65.     Correspondence – Covid 19  updates only.

66.     Any other business – Cllr Theresa Weaver’s update on local climate change           activity and Greener Belstone was noted.

Subject to pandemic restrictions, the next meeting is programmed for  23rd February 2021

Agreed Actions

Meeting DateActionResponsibility
20.10.2020Moorsites to audit the PC website and write website accessibility statement √ see websiteClerk
15.12.20Contact Oldway again re overgrown hedge affecting the bus shelter √Clerk
15.12.2020Send S37 grant cheque to Citizen’s Advice Bureau √ Thank you note receivedClerk
15.12.20Provide advert for clerk’s job to The Beacon, website and notice board √Clerk
15.12.20Confirmation of employment policies √ and sent to websiteAll cllrs
15.12.20Amend draft 2021/22 annual budget √ and precept submitted Clerk
12.1.21Put up car park notice board √Clerk