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Parish Council Minutes – September 2020


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th September 2020

 in the Village Hall

Present:  Michael Ash (Chairman), Ann Norman (Vice Chairman), Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver and Kate Little(Parish Clerk).

In Attendance: Sophia Clyst, and Jo Robison

The Chairman re-iterated the covid-19 precautions that had to be observed in the village hall as set out in the risk assessment prepared for the last meeting, with the addition of the need for face masks to be worn at all times.

16.     Apologies: None

17.     Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting of 28th July 2020: These           were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting.

18.     Matters Arising not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda: None raised

19.     Minutes of the meeting on 28th July 2020: These were agreed and         signed by the Chairman as a correct record of the meeting subject to an amendment that Cllr Theresa Weaver had attended a DCC working group in      July re the countrywide vehicle charging point network.

20.     Matters Arising not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda:

  • Annual Risk Assessment update – The additional risks of (1) loss of data and (2) a pandemic were added along with the remedial actions. It will be necessary to seek training in data protection for cllrs.
  • Car Park signage and policy – It was agreed that quotes for a sign should be sought to advise visitors that the car park was managed by the Parish Council, parking was at own risk and where to find the Council’s car park policy on the village website.  Clerk to amend the draft policy for agreement.
  • Website Accessibility – Unfortunately due the lockdown Simon Hill had been unable to attend a meeting to advise on this, but as the village website was managed by him, it would be in line with the new regulations.  An Accessibility Statement was now needed.
  • Cllr email addresses – Cllr Theresa’s research suggested that as the clerk had a generic email address () and she was the access route to the parish council, individual new email addresses for the cllrs would not be needed.

21.     Planning Consultations/Decisions:

  • Beechcroft – planning permission has been approved for the proposed porch and extension.
  • Rose Cottage – It was noted that the previous planning application had been withdrawn and replaced with a new one incorporating a minor change.  It was resolved to raise no objection to the application.

22.     Declarations of Interest:  None

23.     Urgent Items Raised by the Chairman: There were none.

24.     Asset Review:  The following assets were deemed to be in good condition –       the car park, the BT kiosk, the stocks, the Pound and all the seats in the Parish. Clerk to write to the owners of Oldways regarding their hedge        overgrowing the bus shelter at Tongue End.

25.     North Devon Biosphere Orchard Project:  It was felt that this type of       project was beyond the remit of the Parish Council.  The details should be    forwarded to the Village Hall Cttee and the Cricket Club.  It was also agreed      that the clerk would write to the owner of the old beer garden at The Tors to     see if he would be willing to allow community use of it, using the exiting right   of access.

26.     Financial Matters:  The nationally agreed 2.75% pay rise for the clerk was           noted.  The 2020/21 budget could accommodate the increase.  A contract of           employment for the clerk based on the existing NALC one should be          prepared until an updated one was published, as the existing paperwork was   inadequate.

27.     Correspondence Received:  None beyond covid-19 updates.

28.     Roadside Hedgerows: It was agreed that residents with hedgerows and   trees overhanging the highway are urged to cut them back now such action is     permitted.  Clerk to put a post on the village website. 

 29.    Any Other Business:

  • Cllr Theresa to attend the virtual Links Meeting on 17th September 2020.
  • Clerk to report broken fence at the Brenamoor cattle grid, the need for a sign there to prevent obstruction by cars and the rotted finger post at Tor Down cattle grid.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm

The next meeting :  20th October 2020 – refer to NALC guidance below

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2020 were made on 13 September and came in to force today, 14 September, at 12.01. They amend the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) Regulations 2020 (“the Principal Regulations”), so that people may not participate in social gatherings, in any place, in groups of more than six, unless they are members of the same household, two linked households or exceptions apply.

NALC’s view is that although the Principal Regulations continue to permit local councils to hold meetings (now as an exemption to the six-person gatherings limit) in COVID-19 secure premises, the NALC position remains that we recommend that councils continue to meet remotely. MHCLG reissued its guidance last week and deals with meetings at section 3d. MHCLG continues to recommend that where meetings can take place digitally without the need for face-to-face contact, they should continue to do so.

Agreed Actions

Meeting DateActionResponsibility
28.7.2020Contact Ian Brooker re car park signage – √ doneCllr Jon Pike
28.7.2020Update Risk Assessment – √ doneClerk
28.7.2020Cllr email addresses – √ doneCllr Theresa Weaver
28.7.2020Gift token for the internal auditor – √ doneClerk
28.7.2020 8.9.2020Draft car park policy; 3 quotes for sign;check with DNPA re Advert RegsClerk
8.9.2020Website accessibility statementClerk
8.9.2020Training in data protectionClerk
8.9.2020Rose Cottage planning consultationClerk
8.9.2020Write to Oldways re overgrown hedge affecting the bus shelterClerk
8.9.2020Update Seat Schedule and sign off on condition of assets for insurance purposesClerk
8.9.2020Orchard project – pass on details to Village Hall Cttee and Cricket Club and write to owner of The Tors old beer gardenClerk
8.9.2020Contract of employmentCllr Jon Pike
8.9.2020Post for the website re overhanging hedgerows and trees.Clerk
8.9.2020Report highway issuesClerk