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Planning Training

Responding to Planning Applications

Training provided by Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC)

Report from Cllr Grubb

Mostly the training was geared towards larger developments and dealing with larger scale planning applications. Alot of the presentation was unnecessary for Belstone. A few points I took away were:

  • section 106 agreements can be used on any development, this amount is set by the parish
  • mustn’t discuss pre-planning matters behind closed doors or before council meetings
  • when objecting to a planning application, must link the material considerations relevant to the application and use the local plan when possible. If refusing, you must state the material reasons why
  • Material and  non-material planning considerations – see the slides for these

I have attached the presentation and the further reading material we were given. 

Thank you for letting me attend the meeting, overall I did understand my role as a councillor in regard to commenting on planning applications better now, and feel more confident to respond on these. 

Kind regards, 

Claire Grubb
Belstone Parish Council