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Report on Parking Meeting

Report on the Belstone Parish Public Meeting held on 11th September 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

There were 32 members of the public present including 7 Belstone Parish Councillors and the Devon County Council Councillor for the area Cllr James McInnes. The meeting was chaired by Cllr Michael Ash, Chairman of Belstone Parish Council and minuted by Sally Fullwood, Clerk to Belstone Parish Council.

Apologies were received from Lynn Daniel, Councillor at West Devon Borough Council and from another member of the public who had made a written submission.

Cllr Ash asked Josh Scillitoe, Neighbourhood Highways Officer for Devon County Council to present the problem. He confirmed from the attendees that the problem was visitors throughout the year, but mostly in the summer season, whose cars overflowed the car park. Widecombe in the moor have installed double yellow lines. It is a slow process which requires authorisation and would include poles and notices. Residents should be aware that restrictions would affect them as well as visitors. You can restrict the operation of yellow lines to seasons and times.

However, it was confirmed later in the meeting that there was an overwhelming feeling that Belstone residents do not want yellow lines.

It was noted that it was not just the amount of parking, but inconsiderate parking that caused the problems. Josh confirmed that residents have a right to leave their property, and cars blocking people in would be causing an offence, but it would be difficult to enforce.

It was noted that all roads in the village have the national speed limit of 60mph and police enforcement of all traffic regulations on those roads would also apply to residents.

Some attendees raised matters related to speeding in the village, but it was requested that debate should be confined to parking issues as there had already been a public meeting on speeding.

It was suggested that more data is needed on what is causing specific problems. Josh suggested using CCTV to monitor the car park to see how many vehicles are parking, when and how.

Cllr McInnes mentioned that he would be happy to present any plan of action to the Dartmoor National Park Authority of which he is a member.

It was suggested that the concerns about parking may have stemmed from the increase in visitors from the ‘Covid Bubble’ and that the problem was now reducing, with a definite improvement this summer over last summer; it may be ‘something we live with’.

Options that were raised by the public and will be investigated by Belstone Parish Council were:

  • Increase the size of the car park.
  • Put up a notice at the village end of the car park to say Limited Parking beyond this point, or Residents Only parking beyond this point.
  • Increase the size of the Car Park Sign
  • Prevent the Car Park Signs being obscured by advertising signs.
  • Delimit spaces in the car park and mark bays so that more cars are fitted in.
  • Place stones along the green or raise the kerb to prevent parking.
  • Ensure cars coming up Skaigh Lane are clearly directed to the car park.
  • Open up the Cricket Club Field for additional parking.
  • Speak to the owners of specifically mentioned vehicles regarding parking.
  • E-charging in the car park.

Cllr Ash thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.10 pm