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Skaigh Wood Trust 2022-23

Skaigh Wood Trust Chairman’s Annual Report 2022-2023

The Trust held eight meetings during the year.

The major item requiring attention this year was the felling of a number of trees suffering with Ash Die Back on the cross path from the bridge to the top bridlepath. This work was carried out by Adam Whittington at a cost of £540. He has also offered to walk the woods three times a year at no charge to the Trust, and report any issues of concern. The Trust has accepted this offer.

The footbridge was inspected in July and found to be in sound condition.

Trust funds stood at £11,431.40 as of 27th February 2023. Payment of the NFU Insurance on the wood of £403.25 was made in August. The Luxton rent for the Outer Warren was received on 31/10/22.

I would like to thank Ian Brooker and Sticklepath and Okehampton Conservation Group (StOC) for the work they have done for the Trust, and hope that this arrangement will continue under the new Ranger.

Thank you to my fellow Trustees for their interest in all matters Skaigh Wood, and to Sally Fullwood as secretary and Chris Walpole as auditor.

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