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Skaigh Wood Trust Chairman’s Annual Report 2023-24

Skaigh Wood Trust Chairman’s Annual Report 2023-24

The year has seen three new Trustees. This is because newly elected Parish Councillors automatically become Trustees.

The Skaigh Wood Trust will not be eligible for payments under the new Rural Payments Scheme.

A fallen tree has been cleared from one of the footpaths and StOC repaired the pathway.

Three Trustees carried out an inspection of the fences around the Outer Warren and noted any necessary repairs.

In October Dudley Luxton, tenant of the Outer Warren, passed away. Being an old agricultural lease it had to be offered to Mr Luxton’s son Stuart if he wished to take it over. A succession form has been signed, but since then Stuart has indicated that he may not wish to continue the lease.

The footbridge was cleaned and inspected and found to be in good order.

There was a balance of £12,449.43 in the Trust account as of 11th March 2024. It was agreed to open a savings account and put in £10,000.

I would like to express my thanks to fellow Trustees, StOC for their help in the woods, Chris Walpole, Auditor and Sally Fullwood, Secretary.

Cllr Michael Ash
Skaigh Wood Trust
April 2024