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West Devon April Report 2024

Councillors report April 2024 West Devon Borough Council    

Locality Communities Budget

Good News for our local communities my councillor locality budget has been increased to £1/150 per year. This will benefit our local community groups that need funding for projects and plans. Please apply directly to WD on our grant page and let me know either email or discussion so that I can approve it.

Wildlife Warden Co-ordinator

Hedgehog Picture

WDBC have progressed one of the actions within the Council Plan Natural Environment theme.WDBC advertised for a part time (15 hours per week) Wildlife Warden Co-ordinator to help link up those individuals and groups who are already taking positive action to support wildlife across the borough. The job has only been advertised a few days but we’ve already had a fantastic level of interest. You can find out more on WD’s website. Please do share with anyone who might be interested in this role.

Full Council meeting Decisions March 2024

RESOLVED  that the Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Climate Adaptation Plan (as set out at Appendix A of the agenda report presented to the Hub Committee meeting) be endorsed.

RESOLVED that the Housing Benefit War Pensions Disregard Policy (as set out at Appendix A of the published agenda report) be adopted.

RESOLVED that the Council approves the following strategies for 2024/25:

(a) Capital Strategy (as attached at Appendix A of the presented agenda papers);
(b) Treasury Management Strategy (as attached at Appendix B of the presented agenda papers); and
(c)  Investment Strategy (as attached at Appendix C of the presented agenda papers); and
(d)  That delegated authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the lead Hub Committee Member for Resources, to make any minor amendments to these Strategies (if required) throughout the 2024/25 Financial Year.

A Health & Safety related all Member training/briefing session was requested to be convened in the upcoming weeks.

RESOLVED that the updated Policy Statement be adopted and signed by the Head of Paid Service and the Leader of the Council.


1.     That the Pay Policy Statement for 2023/24 (as set out at Appendix A of the published agenda report) be adopted; and
2.    That the narrowing in pay differentials (in comparison to the previous twelve months) be noted.

RESOLVED that the draft Calendar of Meetings for 2024/25 (as presented at Appendix A of the published agenda report) be approved

Cllr Lynn Daniel April 2024