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Cllr Daniel Sept 2022

West Devon Borough Council Monthly PC Report July 2022

Rural Policing Survey

Rural Scene West Devon Report September 2022

Devon and Cornwall Police, in association with the University of Plymouth and the University of Winchester are conducting a survey of farmers and landowners to examine their experience of crime and policing.

The work, which is funded by the Seale Hayne Educational Trust, will be used to inform and shape future approaches by Devon and Cornwall Police to engage with and police rural communities.

https://plymouth.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/rural-crime-survey-final to visit the survey.

Rural Affairs Policing Team

Read Easy

Image of book West Devon Borough Council Report September 2022

Do you know someone who has problems with reading?

A new group is being set up in Okehampton to help adults that cannot or struggle to read with free, 1-to-1 and confidential coaching.

Devon Connect and Read Easy Exeter will match the reader with a coach and hold usually two half-hour sessions a week in a mutually convenient location.

Encourage anyone you know who to contact the organisers if they want to improve their reading on 07942 367367 or visit the Devon Connect website.

‘My Place, my Views’

There is Joint Local Plan consultation currently taking place online, your views on the future of development in your local area are needed to form policy decisions. It is an easy to use format following comments made about the previous format being difficult to negotiate. Please try to complete the consultation, it really matters that local people have a voice in placemaking decisions.

Link below;


South Zeal Stores

You may be aware that the Stores in South Zeal has been for sale for over 3 years and the owners have now applied for a change of use to enable them to retire.

It has been a difficult decision for them after so many years serving our communities with Post office outreach as well as the café and shop in South Zeal. The community are at risk of losing the last shop in the village.

The stores has been registered as an Asset of Community Value, in an attempt to form a group to raise grant funding and buy the building to run as a community venture. This works well in many local villages.

Very few people have come forward so far and we have until the 5th October to express an interest. If anyone is able to help and support this venture please contact South Tawton PC clerk or Cllr Lynn Daniel.

Cllr Lynn Daniel 01.09.2022