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West Devon November Report 2023

Parish Council report November 2023

Council Tax reduction Scheme Consultation

West Devon Borough Council wants to hear your views on how we plan to help people most in need pay their council tax as the cost-of-living crisis continues.

 The Council Tax Reduction Scheme is reviewed every year and you now have six weeks to let us know what you think about two proposed changes for 2024-2025.

The first change will mean more support for self-employed residents who are trying to grow their own business. The second aims to help ease the financial pressures for residents with a disability or health condition which affects how much they can work. The changes will see over 455 residents or families get much needed extra financial support.

The proposals will cost a total of £164,825. The Borough Council’s share of the cost will be 11% – that’s £18,131. The rest will be met by the other organisations who charge part of the Council Tax bill, such as Devon County Council, the Police, and Fire and Rescue.

The Council now wants to hear from residents and partner authorities if they agree with the planned changes.

 You can take part in the online consultation until 28 November 2023

Electoral Registration Canvassing

It’s that time of year again when we will be sending out canvassers to all properties within the Council area who are required, but have not yet returned, a Canvass Form relating to electoral registration. This is an annual process. The canvassers will be trying to make contact with those households who have not supplied information that we have requested under electoral registration legislation.  We will be advising the police and parish clerks that they will be calling on properties, but also wanted to inform you, in case you have any contact from concerned residents. The canvassers will be carrying ID and will be delivering forms and not taking information at the doorstep, unless it is offered to them. This statutory process needs to be completed in advance of publishing the new Electoral Register on 1 December. We will carry out some social media to inform our residents but please help spread the word.

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) Consultation Dog Control  

Don’t forget that WDBC have a live consultation regarding the Dog Control Orders that we currently have within the West Devon Borough Council area.    We are consulting on reviewing our Dog Control Public Space Protection Orders.  PSPO’s is a tool available to Councils under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and are intended to be used to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in a specific area that is having a detrimental effect to the local community’s quality of life, by imposing conditions on the use of that area which will apply to everyone.  Officers can issue fixed penalty notices up to £100.00 for those who don’t follow the Orders.  The current PSPO’s are due to expire March 2024 and so we need to consult to see if the current ones should be extended or any additional areas to be included.   Existing offences which we are looking to extend:-   Failure to pick up after a Dog – Dog Fouling Requiring Dogs to be on leads / Failure to put a dog on a lead after being instructed to do so by an authorised officer – Dogs on Leads Dog Exclusions Areas – Dog Exclusion Areas   Our Localities teams will be speaking with the local communities and will be putting posters up in the Borough.  Please feel free if you wish to put the attached poster up on your notice boards.   Consultation: How to have your say   The consultation involves all stakeholders who may be affected including the general public, Devon and Cornwall Police, Local Parish and Town Councils.  Anyone can give their views during the consultation period which runs from 10th October 2023 – 14th November 2023.   Lets Talk Dog Consultation  

Cllr Lynn Daniel
November 2023