Andrews Corner, open for the NGS since 1972, is situated on the northern edge of Dartmoor at approximately one thousand feet above sea level.

The site, of about two thirds of an acre faces south and derives it’s unique character from the contrast between the rugged grandeur of Dartmoor and the verdant serenity of a cultivated garden.

North Dartmoor Garden Club – November

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The next Garden Club meeting is Thursday 28th November 7.30pm in Belstone Village Hall. Robin Hill from Andrews Corner Garden, Belstone will be giving a talk ‘Weird and Wonderful in…

Andrews Corner Garden Open for NGS Charities

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Garden Open 2-5pm Sun 26th & Mon 27th May – Belstone EX20 1RD Never mind if you can’t get to Chelsea Show to see the Gold Medal winning NGS (National…

Andrews Corner Garden – Open for NGS Charities

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The garden at Andrews Corner, Skaigh Lane, Belstone EX20 1RD will be open from 2pm to 5pm Sunday 7th and Sunday 21st April. Admission £5 children free. Situated on the…

Music in the Garden at Andrews Corner

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JOIN US FOR OUR LAST OPENINGS THIS YEAR Pat, Paul and Jerry’s Mando Trio (plus one!) – playing Monday 29th May Andrews Corner Garden, Skaigh Lane, Belstone, EX20 1RD is…

North Dartmoor Garden Club – 24th November

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Belstone Village Hall Thursday 24th November 7.30pmA Gardening Potpourri Robin and Edwina, well known for opening their garden Andrews Corner for charity, will present an eclectic mix of gardening miscellany,…