Belstone Parish Council Logo -For Parish Council Meeting

Agenda for a meeting of Belstone Parish Council on 27th February 2023 in the Meeting Room of Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

2022/23-157 Disclosures of Interests

To receive disclosures of personal & prejudicial interest from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting

2022/23-158 Apologies for Absence

To record any apologies for absence and reasons. For resolution.

2022/23-159 Public Participation Session

This item is limited to 15 minutes and will be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Council, which are available to read on the website.

2022/23-160 Minutes

To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17th January 2023, previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.

2022/23-161 Borough & County Councillor Statements

To receive any reports from Cllr Lynn Daniel or Cllr James McInnes.

2022/23-162 Chairman’s Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chairman or Vice-Chair.

2022/23-163 Clerk’s Report

To note the Clerk’s Report, previously circulated.

2022/23-164 Asset Inspection

To receive any update from Cllr Cooper on the Pound Sign.

2022/23-165 Planning

To agree the Council’s response to any applications which may arise after the agenda publication.

2022/23-166 Coronation Meeting

To note the outcome of the Parish Meeting for the Coronation, and agree any actions regarding the engraving.

2022/23-167 Skaigh Lane Alterations

To note the response of the Neighbourhood Highways Officer.

2022/23-168 Location of Slow Road Markings

To note any action regarding the road markings.

2022/23-169 Hedge Cutting in Skaigh Lane

To note any action following the distribution of letters by Cllr Norrish.

2022/23-170 No Overnight Camping sign in Car Park

To agree any action on a new sign.

2022/23-171 Election

To note the arrangements for the election.

2022/23-172 Finance

A. Recent Transactions

• Income – None
• Expenditure –None
• Total Balance now £4,083.49 (including £460 election reserve)

B. Any Payments to be Authorised

• Clerk’s Salary – £686.85 (including £182.40 tax refund)
• Village Hall Annual Fee – last year £45

2022/23-173 Standing Orders

To review and approve the Standing Orders.

2022/23-174 Items for Next Agenda

To receive any items for the meeting on 17th April 2023.