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Parish Council Meeting – January 2023

Belstone Parish Council Logo - for Parish Council Meeting


Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 17th January 2023 in the Meeting Room of Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Councillors Present

Michael Ash (Chairman), Susan Norrish, Simon Hill, Paul Boyce, Peter Cooper and Jon Pike

Also Present:

Sally Fullwood (Clerk)

2022/23-140 Disclosures of Interests

Cllr Hill has an interest in the website hosting under finance.

2022/23-141 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Theresa Weaver sent her apologies, which were accepted.

2022/23-142 Public Participation Session

There was no public participation.

2022/23-143 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 29th November 2022 were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.

2022/23-144 Borough & County Councillor Statements

The reports from Cllr Lynn Daniel (WDBC) December and January were noted.

2022/23-145 Chairman and Vice-Chair’s Announcements

Cllr Ash reported that there has been damage to the top cap stone of the Lion’s Mouth Fountain. This is not a Parish Council asset.

2022/23-146 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk had circulated a report detailing actions taken. This was noted.
Cllr Daniel had also sent an email regarding smart meters. It was agreed that Lynn Daniel should be contacted to get further details before the council commits to anything. Action: Clerk to contact Lynn Daniel and raise awareness through website.

2022/23-147 Asset Inspection

Cllr Cooper reported that he will paint the Pound Notice when weather allows. Action: Cllr Cooper

2022/23-148 Planning

A. Planning Applications

There were no planning applications to respond to.

B. Outcomes of Planning Applications

The outcomes of the planning applications were noted.

2022/23-149 Muddy Lane

The new Dartmoor Ranger, Rob Taylor, had responded that he would put a more visible sign at the Skaigh Lane end. The Council appreciated the action.

2022/23-150 Speeding

Josh Scillitoe, the Neighbourhood Highways Officer, had responded that he would be including the repainting of Belstone road markings in the budget for 2023/24. He requested details of the location of the ‘Slow’ signs.
Action: Cllr Cooper and Cllr Hill will obtain photos and locations of former road markings.
It was agreed to publicise the sign painting. Action: Clerk

2022/23-151 Hedge Cutting in Skaigh Lane

The Clerk provided letters for distribution to the landowners in Skaigh Lane and other surrounding properties.
Action: Cllr Norrish volunteered to deliver them.
Action: Cllr Hill will provide evidence of the alterations to the bank in Skaigh Lane, which Josh Scillitoe had requested.

2022/23-152 Dates for next year

Cllr Hill requested that the meeting be moved to another day.
It was agreed to move all the dates to the Monday for the rest of the year.
Action: Clerk to update calendar and hall bookings.

2022/23-153 Finance

A. Recent Transactions

The following transactions were noted:
• Income – None
• Expenditure – Clerk’s Wages £588.37, Training Course £18, Citizen’s Advice £30
Total Balance now £4,083.49 (including £460 election reserve)

B. Payments to be Authorised

The following payment was authorised:
• Website Hosting (not yet invoiced but expected to be £75)

2022/23-154 2023/24 Budget

It was agreed that the Council do not wish to hold donated money.
Action: Clerk will contact The Tors Inn to remove the donation pot agreed in November 2021.
Cllr Pike proposed that car park costs should be covered from the precept in future. It was agreed to pay £75 a year in to a Car Park Reserve.
Cllr Pike proposed and it was agreed that the annual payment of £160 into the Election Reserve should be continued in 2023/24.
Cllr Pike proposed and it was agreed not to raise the budget for the website in view of the increased costs.
The budget for 2023/24 requiring a precept of £3,500 was agreed. This takes the majority of the costs for the coronation engraving from the reserves. It is a 2.7% increase on the previous year’s budget, and a 1.75% increase for the average household parish council tax.
Proposer: Cllr Pike, Seconder: Cllr Boyce. All agreed.

2022/23-155 Risk Assessments

The Risk Assessments were presented by the Clerk, she had drawn attention to the risks of a low general reserve in her report (Risk 7). It was agreed that a low reserve was not a problem, and that the budget did have contingency built in.
The Risk Assessments were approved as circulated.
Proposer: Cllr Hill, Seconder: Cllr Norrish. All agreed.

2022/23-156 Items for Next Agenda

One additional item was proposed for the agenda on Monday 27th February
• ‘No Overnight Camping’ sign in Car Park.

The meeting closed at 20:39 pm.