Parish Council Meeting Icon for Draft Minutes


Please note, due to Covid Restrictions, masks must be worn and 2 m social distancing must be observed.

2021/22-102 Disclosures of Interests

2021/22-103 Minutes – 30th November 2021

2021/22-104 Apologies for Absence

2021/22-105 Borough Councillor Statement

2021/22-106 Chairman’s Announcements

2021/22-107 Clerk’s Contract – JP

2021/22-108 Finance

A. Budget and Precept for 2022/23 – Clerk
B. Change of Bank Accounts (Resolution 2021/22-45B) – JP
C. Grant Request from Citizens Advice
D. Recent Transactions

2021/22-109 Clerk’s Report

2021/22-110 Car Park Actions

A. Removal of Grass (Resolution 2021/22-47B) – Clerk
B. Removal of Tree Guards (Resolution 2021/22-34E) – MA

2021/22-111 Planning Rew Meadow (Resolution 2021/22-67)

2021/22-112 Queen’s Jubilee (Resolution 2021/22-56) – Clerk

2021/22-113 Village Light (Resolution 2021/22-73) – Clerk

2021/22-114 Parish Council Logo (Resolution 2021/22-51B)

2021/22-115 Dog Poo Signs (Resolution 2021/22-57)

2021/22-116 Mobile Booster Scheme (Resolution 2021/22-96) – TW

2021/22-117 Church Mobile Coverage Progress – Clerk

2021/22-118 Memorial Bench and Public Seating Policy – Clerk

2021/22-119 Assets Register (Resolution 2021/22-99) – PC

2021/22-120 Risk Assessment – Clerk

2021/22-121 West Devon Super Links Meeting (Resolution 2021/22-100) – TW

2021/22-122 Community Risk Management Plan (Resolution 2021/22-84) – Clerk

2021/22-123 Dates of Meetings – Clerk