Belstone Parish Council Logo -For Parish Council Meeting


NB I apologise for a mistake in the Beacon diary this month. The Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting are on Tuesday May 10th, but there are no meetings on 24th or 31st May. The following meeting will now be on Tuesday June 7th 2022

Agenda for a meeting of Belstone Parish Council to be held on 12th April 2022 in the Meeting Room at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Please note, due to Covid, masks may be worn and 2 m social distancing should be observed.

2022/23-1 Disclosures of Interests

2022/23-2 Apologies for Absence

2022/23-3 Public Participation

This item is limited to 15 minutes and will be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Council, which are available to read on the website.

2022/23-4 Minutes – 22nd February 2022 and 8th March 2022

2022/23-5 Borough Councillor Statements March and April

2022/23-6 Chairman’s Announcements

2022/23-7 Finance

A. Change of Bank Accounts (Resolution 2021/22-45B) – JP
B. Draft 2021/22 Accounts
C. End of Year Budget
D. Payments Due

  • DALC Subscription £56.36 (last year £55.08)
  • Data Protection Fee £35 (same as last year)
  • Payroll Service £60 Half a year for last year

2022/23-8 Clerk’s Report

2022/23-9 Car Park Actions

A. Removal of Tree Guards (Resolution 2021/22-34E) – MA
B. Removal of Grass (Resolution 2021/22-47B) – MA

2022/23-10 Queen’s Jubilee (Resolution 2021/22-56)

A. Tree Planting and Plaque – Clerk
B. Memorial Engraving – Clerk
C. Funding Jubilee Activities (Grant application failed)

2022/23-11 Village Light (Resolution 2021/22-73) – Clerk

2022/23-12 Dog Poo Signs (Resolution 2021/22-57)

2022/23-13 Mobile Booster Scheme (Resolution 2021/22-51B) – TW

2022/23-14 Parking on Great Green – JP

2022/23-15 Planning Consent Storage Shed adjacent to Tor Cottage

2022/23-16 Councillor Vacancy

2022/23-17 Joint Chairman Role

2022/23-18 Code of Conduct

2022/23-19 Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

2022/23-20 Asset Inspection

2022/23-21 Biodiversity Enquiry – Clerk

2022/23-22 Speeding in the Village – TW

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday May 10th 2022 which will be the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting. The following Parish Council meeting has now been moved to June 7th 2022 at the request of the Chairman.