We had two baptisms in March. Jack Reddaway and Arlo Moppett were welcomed into the church by their families and friends and we wish them both well as they begin their journeys through life.

On Sunday the 2nd April we are to be visited by the current Bishop of Plymouth, Nick McKinnel for a service of Holy Communion. As he has got to rush off to Hatherleigh at the end, we are having our refreshments before the service from 8.30 am courtesy of Marion at The Old School Tearoom. Bacon baps will be served and I’m told that the Bishop is very keen to join us there for meeting and greeting.I can see the headline now,” The Bishop and the Bacon Bap”.  Everyone is most welcome.

April is the start of spring, new life, new growth and longer daylight hours, which will so appropriately all be combining as we approach the joys of Easter. To quote a line from one of our recent plays, “Where there’s light, there’s hope”. Easter is that light.

Simon Herbert