Belstone Parish Council Logo -For Parish Council Meeting


Agenda for a meeting of Belstone Parish Council to be held on 22nd Feb 2022 in the Meeting Room at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Please note, due to Covid, masks should be worn and 2 m social distancing should be observed.

2021/22-127 Disclosures of Interests

2021/22-128 Minutes – 11th January 2022 and 15th February 2022

2021/22-129 Apologies for Absence

2021/22-130 Borough Councillor Statement

2021/22-131 Chairman’s Announcements

2021/22-132 Finance

A. Change of Bank Accounts (Resolution 2021/22-45B) – JP
B. Stationery reimbursement for Clerk – £4.90
C. Website Hosting Invoice – £60
D. Promised Car Park Donation from the Old School Tearoom – £50
E. Recent Transactions
F. March Transactions

2021/22-133 Planning Rew Meadow (Resolution 2021/22-67) – Clerk

2021/22-134 Clerk’s Report

2021/22-135 Car Park Actions – Removal of Tree Guards (Resolution 2021/22-34E) – MA

2021/22-136 Queen’s Jubilee (Resolution 2021/22-56)

A. Parish Meeting Results – Clerk
B. Tree Planting and Plaque – Clerk
C. Memorial Engraving – Clerk

2021/22-137 Village Light (Resolution 2021/22-73) – Clerk/SN

2021/22-138 Dog Poo Signs (Resolution 2021/22-57)

2021/22-139 Mobile Booster Scheme (Resolution 2021/22-96) – TW

2021/22-140 Community Risk Management Plan (Resolution 2021/22-84) – Clerk

2021/22-141 Council Diary – Clerk

2021/22-142 Review of new Standing Orders – Clerk

2021/22-143 Review of new Financial Regulations – Clerk

2021/22-144 Review of Employment Policies – Clerk

A. Antibullying and harassment policy – no changes
B. Disciplinary policy – no changes
C. Equality and Diversity policy – no changes
D. Expenses policy – minor changes to remove form and add cheque
E. Grievance policy – no changes
F. Homeworking policy – minor changes as I have no locked cabinet
G. Lone Working policy – no changes
H. Sickness and absence policy – no changes
I. Training and development policy – no changes
J. Whistleblowing policy – no changes

2021/22-145 Dartmoor National Park Local List Consultation – Clerk

2021/22-146 NHS Digital Inequalities Survey – Clerk

2021/22-147 Government consultation on the Glover Landscapes Review – Clerk

2021/22-148 Dartmoor National Park Member Nomination – Clerk

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday April 12th 2022.