Agenda for the Annual Belstone Parish Council meeting on 15th May 2023 in Belstone Village Hall following the Annual Parish Meeting
2023/24-019 Acceptance of Office
To receive the signed acceptance of office forms from all members, necessary before they can commence their duties. Distribution of Declarations of Interest forms.
2023/24-020 Election of Officers
To elect a Chairman and Vice-Chair of the council for the next year. For them to sign the acceptance of office forms for these roles.
2023/24-021 Apologies for Absence
To record any apologies for absence and reasons. For resolution.
2023/24-022 Disclosures of Interests
To receive disclosures of personal & prejudicial interest from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting
2023/24-023 Minutes
To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17th April 2023, previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.
2023/24-024 Signing of Consent to Electronic Communication
To receive the signed consent forms from all members who require communication by email.
2023/24-025 Representation on other bodies
To agree the members to represent the Council on the following bodies:
• Village Hall Committee
• Eastern Links Committee
• Sticklepath Village School Trust
• Greener Belstone
2023/24-026 Meeting Dates for the rest of 2022-23
To confirm the meeting dates for the remainder of the year:
Monday June 26th
Monday July 24th
Monday September 11th
Monday October 23rd
Monday December 11th
Monday January 22nd
Monday March 11th
2023/24-027 Chairman’s Announcements
To receive any announcements from the Chairman or Vice-Chair.
2023/24-028 Clerk’s Report
To note the Clerk’s Report, previously circulated.
2023/24-029 Planning
To agree the Council’s response to any applications which may arise after the agenda publication.
2023/24-030 Coronation
To receive any updates regarding the engraving and the lamp.
2023/24-031 Finance
A. Recent Transactions
• Income – First Instalment of Precept £1,750.
• Expenditure – Car Park £611.11, Ink Cartridges £33.37, DALC Subscription, £85.98, William & Triggs Engraving Deposit £192.60
• Total Balance (03/05/23) £4,103.57 (including £460 election reserve)
B. Any Payments to be Authorised
• Insurance Payment £145.80 (the same as last year)
• Williams & Triggs second instalment £192.60
2023/24-032 Parking
To agree possible dates for a Parish Meeting regarding parking in the village.
2023/24-033 Code of Conduct
To review and approve the Code of Conduct for the Council.
2023/24-034 Dartmoor National Park Authority Ballot
To confirm the vote of the Parish Council for the parish Members on the Dartmoor National Park Authority, or agree arrangements for a later decision.
2023/24-035 Cattle Attacks on Dartmoor
To agree any action following the latest information on the cattle attacks.
2023/24-036 Items for Next Parish Council Agenda
To receive any items for the meeting on 26th June 2023.
Review of the Asset Register is overdue. The AGAR and Internal Auditor’s report are due.