Parish Council Meeting – April 2023

Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held 17th April 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Councillors Present:
Michael Ash (Chairman), Theresa Weaver (Vice-Chair), Susan Norrish, Simon Hill, Paul Boyce and Jon Pike
Also Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk), Cllr Lynn Daniel (West Devon Borough Council)
Not Present: Peter Cooper
2023/24-001 Disclosures of Interests
There were no disclosures of interest.
2023/24-002 Apologies for Absence
Cllr James McInnes (Devon County Council) sent his apologies.
2023/24-003 Public Participation Session
There was no public participation.
2023/24-004 Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 27th February 2023 were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.
2023/24-005 Borough & County Councillor Statements
The report from Cllr Lynn Daniel (WDBC) was noted. Cllr Daniel asked us to publicise the need for Voter ID. Jurassic Fibre are rolling out broadband in the area. There is a talk on Energy and Smart Fibre on 22nd April. A feasibility study has started on the Beacon Path.
2023/24-006 Chairman and Vice-Chair’s Announcements
The Chairman thanked Cllr Norrish for her 15 years’ service on the council, as she had not stood for re-election. The Council wished her well.
The Vice-Chair reported that she had cleared a large amount of rubbish from the Bus Shelter.
2023/24-007 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had circulated a report detailing actions taken. This was noted.
2023/24-008 Planning
A. Planning Applications
There were no planning applications to respond to.
B. Outcomes of Planning Applications
There were no planning outcomes.
2023/24-009 Hedge Cutting in Skaigh Lane
The Neighbourhood Highways Officer (NHO) had emailed asking if the Council knew the owners of the land by the bend in Skaigh Lane. It was agreed that on the South side of the road above the sharp bend, there was a problem with hedges at Skaigh House (higher trees) and Skaigh Garden Cottage and on the North side at Skaigh Stables Farm.
It was agreed that while the Clerk was replying to the NHO, she should raise the problem of the narrowing of the road, and ask if it could be measured and signs put up. Action: Clerk.
2023/24-010 No Overnight Camping sign in Car Park
The Dartmoor National Park Ranger had offered a seasonal yellow sign. It was agreed to accept this suggestion. Action: Clerk to reply to Ranger.
2023/24-011 Coronation
The Clerk had approached four companies for quotes, and had received the following:
William & Triggs – £385.20 (inc. VAT) without sunken panel, including cleaning George V inscription.
F J Stevens & Son (Crediton) – £648 (inc. VAT) with a panel.
It was agreed to go ahead with the Williams & Triggs quote. Action: Clerk
Cllr Pike had researched the possibility of reinstating the lamp on the top of the Coronation stone, replacing the existing street light. The Highways Department recommended a SmartScape lamp using solar panels, however this would cost in the region of £1,500.
It was agreed that the Council will look for ideas for sources of funding.
2023/24-012 Election
The Council had been elected unopposed, and there would be one new member to replace Cllr Norrish. The Clerk reminded the Councillors that they had to fill in their expenses returns even though they had not spent anything.
2023/24-013 Finance
A. Recent Transactions
The following transactions were noted:
• Income – None
• Expenditure –Clerk’s Salary £686.85, Village Hall Annual Fee £45, Website Hosting £75
• Total Balance now £3,276.63 (including £460 election reserve)
B. Payments to be Authorised
The following payments were authorised:
• Data Protection Fee £35 (Direct Debit)
• P S Cooper Invoice for Car Park £611.11
• Ink Cartridges for Clerk £33.37
• DALC Subscription, £85.98 (£56.35 last year).
Proposer: Cllr Pike, Seconder: Cllr Weaver.
Action: Clerk to invoice shares of Car Park costs to organisations that had promised donations.
C. Paperless Banking
It was agreed that the Council should stop paper statements. Action: Clerk.
2023/24-014 Parking
Parking has caused obstruction near the stocks which could have prevented access for emergency vehicles. The option of double yellow lines could only be introduced with the consensus of the village.
It was agreed that there should be a separate public meeting with regard to parking, possibly followed by a questionnaire on the options.
2023/24-015 Belstone Cricket Club
Chris Walpole had written to say “We have recently trimmed the height of the beech hedge at the entrance to the cricket ground to improve the visibility of Tongue End Lane when exiting and turning right from the ground.” This had been noted, and no further action will be taken unless residents complain again.
2023/24-016 Draft Accounts 2022-23
The accounts documents had been circulated. The Clerk explained that the salary figure which exceeded budget was due to a tax refund which the council can claim back in this financial year.
It was agreed to approve the draft accounts for submission to the Internal Auditor and accept the end of year budget review. Proposer: Cllr Boyce, Seconder: Cllr Pike.
Action: Clerk to submit to Internal Auditor.
2023/24-017 Annual Parish Meeting Agenda
It was agreed to approve the agenda for the Parish Meeting.
2023/24-018 Items for Next Parish Council Agenda
Review of Asset Register, Insurance and Code of Conduct review are due. There were no other items raised.
The meeting closed at 8.46pm.
The date of the next meeting will be Monday May 15th 2023, following the Parish Meeting.