Belstone Parish Council Logo -For Parish Council Meeting

Agenda for the Belstone Parish Council meeting on 20th November 2023 in Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

2023/24-090 Disclosures of Interests

To receive disclosures of personal & prejudicial interest from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting.

2023/24-091 Apologies for Absence

To record any apologies for absence and reasons. For resolution.

2023/24-092 Public Participation Session

This item is limited to 15 minutes and will be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Council, which are available to read on the website.

2023/24-093 Minutes

To resolve that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 11th September 2023, previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.

2023/24-094 Borough & County Councillor Statements

To receive any reports from Cllr Lynn Daniel or Cllr James McInnes.
(WDBC September, WDBC October, WDBC November)

2023/24-095 Chairman’s Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chairman or Vice-Chair.

2023/24-096 Clerk’s Report

To note the Clerk’s Report, previously circulated.

2023/24-097 Coronation Lantern

To receive any updates regarding the installation of a lamp, and agree on subsequent actions.

2023/24-098 Planning

To agree a response to any applications which may arise after the agenda publication.

2023/24-099 Jubilee Plaque

To note any progress with the receipt of the new plaque.

2023/24-100 Parking

To note progress on parking issues and agree further actions regarding parking in the village.

2023/24-101 Meeting Dates 2024

To confirm the proposed meeting dates for next year.

2023/24-102 Vice-Chair Role

To receive an update on Cllr Hill’s role as vice-chair.

2023/24-103 Finance

A. Recent Transactions

  • Payments – Clerk’s Wages £515.66, ODCTG £30, Zoho Email via Cllr Hill £80.64, DALC Conference £27.
  • Receipts – Precept Second Instalment £1,750, Old School Tea Room Car Park Donation £44.
  • Total Balance (13/11/23) £5,151,16 (including £620 election reserve, £73.89 Car Park Reserve)

B. Payments

To agree the following payments:

  • Citizen’s Advice Bureau Donation – Last Year £30.
  • Clerk’s Gross Wages Oct-Dec – £646.93 (includes £91.50 backpay)

2023/24-104 Accounts Software

To receive an update on the trial of the accounts software.

2023/24-105 Mid-Year Budget

To note the expenditure over the first half of the year and forecast for the rest of the year compared to budget.

2023/24-106 Draft 2024/25 Precept and Budget

To consider the draft budget for the next financial year and agree any adjustments prior to acceptance and precept setting in January.

2023/24-107 Co-Option

To agree any actions following the resignation of Cllr Boyce.

2023/24-108 D-Day-80

To agree whether anything should be organised for the D-Day commemorations 6th June 2024.

2023/24-109 Outreach Post Office

To agree any action regarding the closure of the Outreach Post Office.

2023/24-110 Items for Next Parish Council Agenda

To receive any items for the meeting scheduled on January 15th. Items due – confirm Precept, standing orders review.