Agenda for a meeting of Belstone Parish Council to be held on 12th July 2022 in the Meeting Room at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Agenda Published 5th July 2022
2022/23-63 Disclosures of Interests
To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interest from Councillors on matters to be considered at the meeting
2022/23-64 Apologies for Absence
To record any apologies for absence and reasons. For resolution.
2022/23-65 Public Participation
This item is limited to 15 minutes and will be conducted in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Council, which are available to read on the website.
2022/23-66 Minutes
To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 14th June 2022, previously circulated, be signed as a correct record.
2022/23-67 Borough & County Councillor Statements
To receive any reports from Cllr Lynn Daniel or Cllr James McInnes.
2022/23-68 Chairman’s Announcements
To receive any announcements from the Chairman or Vice-Chairman.
2022/23-69 Finance
A. Change of Bank Accounts (Resolution 2021/22-45B)
To receive Cllr Pike’s report on progress with opening the new bank account.
B. Recent Transactions
• No Receipts
• Paid – Clerk’s Salary and Tax, Honorarium for Auditor, PS Cooper for Jubilee Stakes, Simon Hill for email system.
• Bank Statement not received at time of issuing agenda.
C. Payments to be Authorised
• Society of Local Council Clerks Membership for Clerk
D. Thanks from Internal Auditor
To note Chris Walpole’s thanks for the honorarium.
2022/23-70 Car Park Actions
A. Removal of Grass (Resolution 2021/22-47B)
To receive Cllr Ash’s report on progress.
To resolve when invoices for donations should be sent out.
2022/23-71 Village Light (Resolution 2021/22-73)
To report any action on the Village Light
2022/23-72 Clerk’s Report
To note the Clerk’s Report, previously circulated.
2022/23-73 Clerk’s Holiday
To confirm arrangements for the August holiday.
2022/23-74 Electronic Communications
To receive Cllr Hill’s report on progress.
2022/23-75 Asset Inspection
To receive progress reports on assets requiring action:
• Woodwards Seat
• Telephone Box
• Notice on Pound
• Gate on Pound
2022/23-76 Speeding
To consider the Council’s response to the Neighbourhood Highways Officer’s email:
• Children’s Signs
• Road Safety Ideas
• Signing for Cattle
2022/23-77 Road Problems
To discuss problems with Skaigh Lane reported by Cllr Norrish.
2022/23-78 Planning
To agree the council’s response to the following applications.
A. 0208/22 Proposed: Use of holiday let (approved by planning permission 0450/16) as affordable dwelling including change of use of land to garden at Skaigh Stables, Road from Belstone Cross to Skaigh Lodge, Belstone, Okehampton
B. 0218/22 Proposed: Replacement of blocked septic tank with new package sewerage treatment plant with drainage outfall pipework at Church Park, Road from Town Living Farm to Resugga, Belstone
C. 0220/22 Proposed: Erection of timber carport and log store at The Retreat, Road from Belstone Cross to Skaigh Lodge, Belstone
Other Planning Matters:
D. Potential Breach of Planning Replacement storage shed (retrospective) at Land Adjacent to Tor Cottage, Belstone
2022/23-79 Complaints Policy
To adopt a Council Complaints Policy.
2022/23-80 Car Park Policy
To review, and possibly amend, the Car Park Policy.
2022/23-81 Items for Next Agenda
To receive any items to be added to the next agenda.
Already Planned – Mid Year Budget, Review of Great Green Parking.
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday September 13th 2022.