Parish Council Meeting – June 2022

Minutes for the meeting of Belstone Parish Council held on 14th June 2022 in the Meeting Room, Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Councillors Present:
Michael Ash (Chairman), Peter Cooper, Susan Norrish, Jon Pike, Theresa Weaver, Simon Hill
Also Present: Sally Fullwood (Clerk)
2022/23-44 Disclosures of Interests
There were none.
2022/23-45 Apologies for Absence
Paul Boyce sent apologies as he was on holiday.
2022/23-46 Public Participation
There was none.
2022/23-47 Minutes
The minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 12th April, 26th April, Annual Meeting 10th May and Ordinary Meeting 10th May were considered, agreed and signed as a correct record.
2022/23-48 Borough & County Councillor Statements
There had been no reports from the councillors this month.
2022/23-49 Chairman and Vice-Chair’s Announcements
Chairman Cllr Ash recorded thanks to the Jubilee committee for organising the celebrations, Pete and Jeanine for their hospitality, Dick Norrish for his help with the tree and Chris Walpole for filming it prosperity.
Chairman Cllr Ash mentioned that the editor of The Beacon has written to the Council to ask for minutes to be forwarded to her. It was agreed not to send her the minutes as her summary of them may not be in accordance with the Council’s intention. It was agreed to note during meetings what should be included in an article for The Beacon created by the Clerk.
Vice-Chair Cllr Weaver mentioned that the outreach Post Office in the village had not been open for several weeks due to computer problems, and the Post Office which runs it currently has a planning application to change to residential accommodation. It was agreed that the Council will be supportive of any moves to encourage the continuation of the Outreach Post Office.
Vice-Chair Cllr Weaver mentioned a new Planning Application had been received. The Clerk has asked for an extension, but if this is not granted then a planning meeting will be needed on 28th June.
2022/23-50 Finance
A. Change of Bank Accounts (Resolution 2021/22-45B)
Cllr Pike had sent in the application, he presented documents which required signatures from all the councillors. Since Cllr Boyce was absent his papers will need to be signed before the application can be returned.
The bank accounts will run in tandem for a while, with the money manually transferred.
B. Internal Auditor’s Report
The Internal Auditor’s report for 2021/22 was accepted by the Council.
Proposal: To thank Chris Walpole for his work and pay an honorarium of £25
Proposer: Cllr Weaver, Seconder: Cllr Pike all agreed.
Proposal: To appoint Chris Walpole as the Internal Auditor for 2022/23
Proposer: Cllr Weaver, Seconder: Cllr Norrish, all agreed
C. Recent Transactions
The following transactions were noted:
• Received Precept First Instalment £1,704
• Received Interest 11p (Rate has increased from 0.01 to 0.1)
• Received £100 Grant from West Devon
• Received £106.82 VAT refund.
• Paid £35 Information Commissioner’s Fee.
• Paid second instalment of Memorial Engraving £316.80
• Paid Insurance £145.80
• Paid for Clerk’s Stationery £11.37
D. Payments to be Authorised
Proposal to authorise the following payments:
Proposer: Cllr Pike, Seconder: Cllr Norrish, all agreed
• Clerk’s Salary April-June including £120 bonus £584.56 Gross
• Honorarium for Auditor (£25 last year)
• PS Cooper for stakes for Jubilee Tree (£63.89)
2022/23-51 Bus Shelter (Resolution 2022/23-6C)
Cllr Cooper has researched the ant-graffiti paint, it is designed for preventing graffiti on walls, and he could not get a sample. It would probably soak in on wood. It might be possible to sand it off.
It was agreed to leave the graffiti as it is not offensive, and removing it could cause a reciprocal vandalization.
Cllr Weaver has been clearing up on a regular basis, removing bottles and tins, but the shelter has been clear for a month. She intends to clear the leaves that are there soon.
2022/23-52 Car Park Actions
A. Removal of Tree Guards (Resolution 2021/22-34E)
Cllr Ash reported this had not been done.
Proposal: To remove this item from future agendas.
Proposer: Cllr Weaver, Seconder: Cllr Cooper, all agreed
B. Removal of Grass (Resolution 2021/22-47B)
Cllr Ash reported that the grass had been removed with a digger, without damaging the tree roots. Parking has already improved, with people parking at the edge. It is still intended that the hard core will be put down.
Action: Cllr Ash, Cllr Cooper
C. Noticeboard (Resolution 2022/23-9A)
Cllr Cooper’s possible replacement noticeboard is not suitable.
It was agreed to consider a replacement noticeboard for next year’s budget.
2022/23-53 Village Light (Resolution 2021/22-73)
Cllr Norrish had spoken to the member of the public, who confirmed that the light is on all night.
Action: Clerk to report light again.
2022/23-54 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had circulated a report detailing actions taken, available on the website or by application to the Clerk. This was noted.
The Council seconded the thanks to Cllr Cooper for putting up the dog poo signs, but were not sure that it had made a difference.
The Council would like to thank Dicky from The Tors Inn for the sign on the Great Green which has reduced parking
2022/23-55 Asset Inspection
The following assets require action:
• Seat 12. Woodwards Seat – 2 slats missing, Action: Cllr Ash has this in hand
• Telephone box – Ella Curnow is fixing this.
• Notice on Pound – Cllr Cooper has the materials. Action: Councillors to find a painter to do the lettering on the wood.
Pound Garden – The Council thanked Julia Kuhn for looking after the Pound Garden.
2022/23-56 Planning
The refusal of the Taikoo planning application was noted.
2022/23-57 Clerk’s Annual Appraisal
Proposal: Cllr Weaver will carry out the Clerk’s annual appraisal.
Proposer: Cllr Cooper, Seconder: Cllr Pike, all Agreed.
Action: Cllr Weaver.
2022/23-58 The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
A. Annual Governance Statement
The Annual Governance Statement was approved and signed.
B. Certificate of Exemption
The Certificate of Exemption was approved and signed.
C. Accounting Statements
The Accounting Statements were approved and signed.
2022/23-59 Electronic Communications
Proposal: All councillors should be provided with official Council email addresses using Zoho Mail on the sub domain and use them for all Council business.
Proposer: Cllr Weaver, Seconder: Cllr Pike
Action: Cllr Hill will set up everything, the emails will cost approx. £60 a year. This will be taken from the reserves for this year. The renewal, and moving the online storage for the Clerk over, will be budgeted for next year.
The Council thanked Cllr Hill for his research and work to provide a ‘best-practice’ approach at a low cost.
2022/23-60 Proposal to create a Transport Committee to investigate speeding, parking and associated problems, involving the community in developing solutions.
This proposal was not seconded. The Council wished to remain fully involved in these matters.
It was agreed to positively engage the community on the topics of parking and speeding, but no specific plans were made.
It was agreed that the suggestion of using the Cricket Club for parking is brought up regularly and is not viable.
Proposal: To invite the Neighbourhood Highways Officer to a Council meeting in the main hall, publicised for members of the public to put their comments and questions to him.
Proposed: Cllr Weaver, Seconder: Cllr Hill, all agreed.
Action: Clerk to contact NHO
2022/23-61 Road Warden Scheme
The decision on this item was delayed, as it would incur costs for materials it would need to be deferred to the next budget.
Action: Clerk to contact a council with a Road Warden for an independent view.
2022/23-62 Items for Next Agenda
There were no other items for the next agenda.
Already Planned – Adoption of Complaints Policy, Review of Car Park Policy, Second Home action.
The meeting closed at 21:19 pm.
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday July 12th 2022.