Annual Parish Meeting 2023

Minutes for Belstone Annual Parish Meeting held on 15th May 2023 at Belstone Village Hall at 7.30 pm
Present: Michael Ash (Chairman), Sally Fullwood (Clerk)
Sixteen members of the public, including the speakers.
01. Apologies for Absence
Theresa Weaver (Belstone Parish Councillor), Rob Taylor (Dartmoor National Park Authority Warden)
02. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 10th May 2022
It was unanimously agreed that these were a correct record of the meeting and the Chairman signed them.
03. Annual Report of the Parish Council
Cllr Ash presented his report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
It was resolved to accept the Chairman’s report – proposed by Cllr Cooper and seconded by Cllr Pike.
04. Annual Report of the Neighbourhood Highways Officer
Josh Scillitoe presented his report. He has ordered some re-lining works for the parish. He has arranged the resurfacing of the path by the cattle grid. He is also going to take action on hedges and the narrow signing in Skaigh Lane, the signs would be put near the Brenamoor access and probably near the car park at the bottom where the sinkage has started again. There is a problem with a drain near Tongue End which he is looking at, and he has cleared a drain near the South West Water property. Highways are experimenting with a “greener, faster and cheaper” liquid pothole created from recycled tyres. It will primarily be used on A and B roads, only the main road into Belstone is likely to be eligible. West Devon has received £900,000 from a government grant for potholes.
Cllr Cooper asked if the drainage of the bridlepath down to Tongue End would be improved as the gullies were buried by resurfacing. He also mentioned the flooding near Whitehouse Services, problems near the barn in the village and problems where telephone cables were laid outside the Village Hall. Cllr Boyce requested an inspection of Priesticott lane.
05. Statement of Accounts for the year 2022/23 & Precept for 2023/24
Sally Fullwood, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer presented the accounts with a pre-prepared summary. Available on the village website, or on application to the ClerkThere were no questions.
06. Annual Report of Devon County Council
Cllr James McInnes reported on the Council’s work. He was very appreciative of Josh’s attendance. It would take £2 million to get Devon roads into good condition. Donna Manson, the new Chief Executive, and the senior management team, all working together are changing things. The County is stuck for cash and has difficulty filling vacancies. The culture is changing to combine NHS and Care and work better with councils. He still has a locality budget, halved from last year, for small projects.
07. Annual Report of West Devon Borough Council
Cllr Lynn Daniel presented her report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk. She also has a £500 locality budget.
08. Annual Report of Dartmoor National Park Ranger
Rob Taylor was unable to attend the meeting, and did not have a written report as he had only been in post in this area for six weeks.
09. Annual Report of Skaigh Wood Trust
The Chairman, Cllr Ash, presented his report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk. It was agreed to accept the report, proposed by Cllr Cooper and seconded by Cllr Pike.
10. Annual Report of the Village Hall Committee
Chris Townshend presented his report. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
11. Annual Report of Greener Belstone
The Clerk read out the Greener Belstone report prepared by Theresa Weaver. Available on the village website, or on application to the Clerk.
12. Any Other Business
There was no other business.
The meeting closed at 8.25 pm.